44Magnum The Most Versatile Handgun Caliber

My favorites have become my 5.5" Bisleys in 44 Spl and 45 Colt. A 275gr 45 bullet at 1060 compares very favorably to a 240gr 44 at 1300, according to Hatcher. Very comfortable to shoot, too.
Actually, the only revolver I own is a beautiful Ruger Redhawk in .44 magnum. Bought it over 25 years ago, when I thought it the most beautiful revolver in the world. Still think it's up near the top for that. As for the .44 mag cartridge, yes, it's rather versatile, I'll give it that. But, if I was a handgun hunter and avid reloader for hunting rounds, I think I'd far prefer the .45 Colt today.
I have moved away from H110 after two stuck bullets with solid charges in my 41Mag. They worked fine in the summer but when shooting in 30F weather, I stuck a round on two consecutive cylinders.

I didn't use it in my 44 anyways as it is a 329PD and a single cylinder of H110 loads through it put a good etch in the blast shield.

I had a great load for my Ruger Deerhunter though, and I've re-created all my loads with 2400 and not looked back.
Spaniel said:
I have moved away from H110 after two stuck bullets with solid charges in my 41Mag. They worked fine in the summer but when shooting in 30F weather, I stuck a round on two consecutive cylinders.

I ran into a similar problem with H110 in .45 Colt. Finally determined my crimp was not hard enough. Once I got the crimp right, no more problems.

Bob Wright
Mike sure got salty on this one.

I have been to a lot of extate auctions where loaded ammunition was sold as "components only." I am certain most of it was shot as sold(not by me). Some of it probably bought by people who understood less about reloading than I do, which is saying something. I think it is a legitimate concern.

Even so, I vote for the 454 as the most versatile cartridge except considering retail price at a local store. It does everything except CCW well and I have never been convinced that any CCW revolver does anything else well(same can be said for semis also). I can easily OC a 454 comfortably. Out of a carbine it can really do wonders. Not too many situations where I would be shooting one up into a tree, but I imagine it could easily bark squirrels in a survival type situation. Even loaded down it would make a mess of rabbits, but I wouldn't be bothering as I could make snares anywhere rabbits roam if I needed to.

I doubt it would win in most versatile "gun & cartridge" combo competition though. I think that is REALLY what people think about on this topic. I would probably leave that to a 4" GP100 in 357. I could do EVERYTHING well enough as to not get laughed at with that combo. SW 686 would work if you like paying more than you need to!!! That is without even considering a Dan Wesson pistol pack multi-barrel gun. I haven't seen anything yet that will match it for versatility in a revolver in any cartridge. Have to get one of those some day.

Now, I will also side with there are a few semi-autos that beat out all the revolvers for versatility. I no longer own any center-fire revolvers. Single shots and semi-autos. I own one 22lr revolver and will likely buy a few more before I die(one is at top of my list).
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