.44 Magnum VS Cars

just because I didn't want to be tailgated with his Hi-beams burning out my retinas.

Had a Mercedes do that to me in heavy freeway traffic, inches off my rear bumper. My transfer case shifter boot was missing at the time, so I reached in my pocket, pulled out a big handful of coins and dropped it down thru the floor opening. The Mercedes backed off real quick-like. :D No need for gunplay.
Guns and Ammo made the statement awhile back in an article that a 300 gr 44 at 1250 fps would fully penetrate a Lincoln Town car at engine level......

Dont know if its true, but it sounds like a good place to start.

Kinda makes ya' wish you were a reloader though, dont it?:D

Solids, in the heavier weights...
But a wise gunner will avoid these types of situations at all cost. Pull over and stop,

True, I slowed to 50 Mph so he would just go past me, He didn't.

Not many Freeway Exits in the middle of nowhere Arizona to reverse direction, and I was not going to stop with this individual on my bumper anywhere but a public place.

He also stayed on my bumper up thru 100 Mph.

Followed me harassing for about 15 Miles into a truck stop and the lighted Parking lot. When I parked up against the restaurant window he stopped about 50 Feet away and looked me over for about a minute before he took off.

Arizona Highway patrol never caught him so far as I know.

Don't know why he went after me, but my next move was going to be firearms related. Sometimes all the smart moves are not enough. I ALWAYS go armed when traveling the Interstates now period.
Ever wonder why people buy those big bumpers for their pickups ? Slam on the brakes, let him rear end you. If you cause an air bag deployment you get an extra 25 points. This can't always be confirmed but you get half credit if he loses control and leaves the road.
Cell Phone and 911 if you have it.

The same thing happened to my wife and I as we driving south through Indiana on a two lane road. The guy followed us for a ways gesturing to "Bring It on" from behind us. My wife saw an oportunity to cut into an abandoned gas station in front of a line of cars without the other guy being able to follow, Damn she should be on the Nascar circuit. The guy couldn't make the turn so he kept going. After traffic passed we continued on our way and there he was at the next intersection turning around to come get us, luckily as we passed him he decided not to follow anymore. If he had followed, we would pushed send on our cell phone to 911.

My gun was in the trunk that day and I didn't have a chance to get it out. I was beginning to get worried because I had a way to protect us but I couldn't get to it. Never again will the gun be in the trunk since I have a CCW!!. Road rage is a real and scary thing that can happen whenever. One's best bet is to keep driving, but be ready to Protect yourself if you get trapped and have to stop!! I have learned my lesson.

quote: "Had a Mercedes do that to me in heavy freeway traffic, inches off my rear bumper. My transfer case shifter boot was missing at the time, so I reached in my pocket, pulled out a big handful of coins and dropped it down thru the floor opening. The Mercedes backed off real quick-like. No need for gunplay."

I love it! I'll have to remember that trick. Maybe tossed out the sunroof.
Bullet placement rules just like with OSS. Has M&S done a study on car shootings? :)

My choice would be a 240 grain JSP (a number of brands come to mind) right through the radiator and into the alternator. Follow-up shots into the block until it bleeds out.

Shots through the doors or trunk don't take anything special, .357 Mags should work fine for that.
My brother in law, retired FBI type, loaned me a training film done by the BATF. In the video, 4 guys fired 500 + rounds into a 70's style Chevy. They used shotguns with slugs and buck, a MP5, several handguns. After the smoke cleared, the instructor opened the car doors, and removed the dummies that were on the floor, front and back. One had one hit on it, and that would only have wounded the person. Then the instructor cranked the car, and drove it off. I guess the point was that bullets dont do as much damage as one might think.
I read on another thread here:

A good heavy dose of pepper spray out the moon roof (ideally) or out the window. The spray will fall into the slipstream and go right into the offenders vehicle.

Think. Do you really ever have the vent all the way off.

I would suggest practicing with a few cans so as to perfect the procedure and not dose yourself when it bounces off of the weather stripping.
You could drill a 1/4" hole in the exhaust manifold and silphos a 1/4" MIP X 1/4" Hosebarb, brass fitting into it and run a length of 1/4" tubing from it through the firewall under the dash. Then when you have hostiles in the vehicle behind you, you simply give er a little squirt with the little orange bottle of Hoppes gun oil that you carry in the glovebox, and all traffic behind you will stop. Guarenteed. The smaller squirts will put out enough smoke to cover a football field, and the bigger squirts.....:D
Again, with admonishments regarding legal ramifications...

I'd give thought to the 240 or 250 grain FMJ sillouette bullets. They're supposed to be tough and hold together to knock over targets.

I like the tailpipe trick and the coin dump. Maybe 2 inch fender washers?

Don't want to create too much hazard for other traffic. (I live in the Los Angeles area... always bystanders around. Questionable if "innocent.")
I would opt for a rear tire

But if you are a laywer try the varrious super hard 300TruncatedCone lead bullets that are available...dewey
I don't know about .44 mags VS cars but back when I first started work as a cop I got a call about a runaway '73 chevy. The guy was working on his car with the engine running and the hood was up. The transmission was knocked into drive and the car started to go round in circles. The car was moving in a widening circle and became a danger to other vehicles in the area. My supervisor arrived and fired six rounds of department issued .38 special into the engine with no result other than putting a hole in the radiator hose. I changed out the .38 specials in my Python for .357 armor rounds (Winchester 158 grain I believe) and tried to hit the air cleaner where I thought the carburetor would be damaged. I don't know if it was me or a .45 auto shooting detective that finally stopped the beast but one of the lessons learned that day was that Chevy's are tough.
I've been toying with an idea similar to Edward's, but it goes like this: A small reservoir of brake fluid secured in the trunk of my car. A nozzle of some sort sticking out of one of the license plate mounting holes. A button on the dash connected to a small 12 volt electric pump. Brake fluid really screws up visibility through a windshield, plus we all know what it will do to a car's paint job!
sorry with an '80 chevy blazer I don't need all those hoses and such to create a smoke screen. I use the built in old fashioned one. Just stomp on the gas and watch your oil pressure drop.
I would thinkthe serious car hunter might want to consider the 480 Ruger. They wouldn't have to roll down the window, just shoot right through their own car in the direction of the target. :D

Jes kidding. I normally dial 911 then wait until the BG runs out of gas. ;)

Jes kidding again. I dial 911 and then wait an hour to see if there are any results. :eek:
I agree that sometimes the smart choices don't solve the problem, been there myself.

I don't think driving and shooting at the same time makes sense though. Another thing to remember is that the following car has the advantage, they can knock you off the road with little effort if they know what they are doing.

Most any self defense cartridge from 38 special on up should be able to put holes in the radiator with no problem. Or for that matter put a bunch of bullet holes in windshield in front of the driver. Even if they don't penetrate the windshield the loss of vision and possible spall should end the problem.