.44 Magnum VS Cars


New member
So what ammo is best suited against Cars from a .44 Magnum Revolver?

240 Grain Soft Point or something else?
why do you want to shoot a car?

Perhaps one to many reruns of "Christine" on the late show!


“The Plymouth hit him squarely, still accelerating, breaking Moochie Welch’s back and knocking him spang out of his engineer’s boots.”
How would you quarter it out after you've shot it? Some of the imports might not be too bad but a full sized Chevy would be a hump! :D :D
I think any hardcast lead heavywieght, 300 gr. or more, would fit the bill. At the very least it should "disrupt" normal operations of the vehicle... :D

Hilarious replies :) but I am serious.

The reason I ask is because of an incident I had a few years ago where I almost had to shoot a jerk who decided he wanted to run me off of I-40, just because I didn't want to be tailgated with his Hi-beams burning out my retinas.

I had my Colt 1911 stuffed with Hardball but I suspect that it would have too little penetration against a SUV.

My other choice is a snubbie M-29. 300 grain rounds are pretty much impossible to get here and I am not setup to reload. So I pretty much have a choice of 240 grain SWC, Hollowpoint, or Softpoint, and 180 Grain Hollow Points.
Of the choices listed...

... the 240gr JSPs or SWCs are probably your best bets.

This is not based on any empirical evidence, but they seem less likely to deform on impact than JHP rounds.
60s Ford sedan. .44 mag. JHP, 210gr, 29gr H-110.

Penetrated trunk, rear seat, front seat, 3/4" plywood, dash, firewall and aircleaner.

Penetration adequate.

Materials in all cars and trucks today are fairly thin, so any combination you choose will be sufficient. Even cars that have reinforced side impact material don't stand a chance.

But a wise gunner will avoid these types of situations at all cost. Pull over and stop, turn around and speed if you have to. A speeding ticket or one for careless driving is much less expensive than facing a grand jury.

Zorro, if a local ammo dealer carries the cor-bon line, talk to them. They make a "factory" loaded 305gr. "penetrator".
If this is not an option, I agree with the others who would go with either of the 240gr. non-hollow point options.
Don't need a gun; use your car.

Lemmeseenow, 3200 lbs is 22400000g times 60 mph is 88fps is a PF of 1971200.
That makes Major.
I hate to say it, but if you shoot at another moving car on the highway, youre probably going to jail, and for good reason. Why not just pull over and let the jerk go?