44 Mag choices

Since I've elected to go with a cheaper Colt 1911 than originally intended, I will have a little credit left on my tab at my local gunshop. A few months ago, I gave up my Blackhawk in a trade and have been meaning to relplace it with a DA wheelgun. My 44 dies are just sitting here idle and I have brass coming out of my ears.

Since I'm not going to have enough money to purchase a customized Anaconda or anything real fancy, what would y'all recommend? By the way, S&W is out of the question. I think we all know why....

This will be strictly a "utility" gun. My carry package does not include big-bore sixguns. Outside the waistband, non-concealed carry for around the back forty and target shooting is on the agenda for this one. Probably a fair amount of gove-box time as well.


While you may not agree, an older S&W may be just the thing you are looking for. The older Smith's are well-made guns, and do NOT contribute to current S&W profitability.

I am also looking for a DA .44Mag. Would love to find a 4" or 5" 629. I think these barrel lengths make the best general belt gun. Mas Ayoob wrote an outstanding article for American Handgunner about 8 (?) years ago on the 4" .44Mag.

If you absolutely cannot stand the idea of a *&*, why don't you go SA and consider a Ruger Vacquero? I have one and it is a great little handgun. Clint Smith of TR wore a SA for a while as his self-defense gun to study the idea and practise. As I recall, he felt that while not the optimal solution, it was doable with practise.

Just some ideas to consider.
Gave up an SA for a DA? :eek: :D

A Redhawk or Super Redhawk sounds like it'd fit your bill. Very utilitarian. :)

Accurate and built like a Ruger, too. If you wanna scope it, I'd go Super Redhawk, otherwise the normal Redhawk is great.

I've had no experience with older *&*'s, so I can't recommend any to ya.
Regarding used 29/629s: I kinda want to stick with new guns that must be ordered. My local gunshop is really cool and I'd hate to cash out and "take my business elsewhere". I have been treated VERY fairly there and want to use the entire balance of my current consignment in that store. Unfortunately, that means I have to order something new. I've given this a lot of thought and made up my mind. Something new.

Regarding SA wheelguns: I understand your point on the "utility" of SA sixguns, but really am looking to go with a DA this time around. I really liked my old Blackhawk but missed the DA option terribly. Also, I'm not planning on defacing a handgun with a scope. :D

How about the Smith & Wesson 629 Classic .44
magnum, with a 5" tube? Makes a damn good
companion while out in the field; plus very
capeable of adding some meat to the menu.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
My vote is for a Ruger Redhawk. I've got one and it's suited me wonderfully. Better quality than the S&W I once owned too.

Since you don't have a .44 mag. any more you can send me all that brass thats up to your ears:D No really IMHO if *&* is out then go back to the BH, now I'm only 5"7" but the RH and the SRH are a bit big for hip carry. But then again I could e-mail my address and you could sent that brass postage due:)

5.5" stainless Redhawk, your choice of (highly recommend rubber) grips, exactly fits your need.

Own four Redhawks, good guns.

What exactly is continued boycotting of Smith & Wesson supposed to accomplish? The former owner who entered into the appeasement agreement has cashed out of the business. The innocent employees remain reliant on continued business.

As the owner of a (pre-agreement) 629 4" Mountain "Revolver," my opinion is that your refusal to buy a S&W means that you will end up with a gun that is not as good. With all due respect.

Another option:
Dan Wesson Model 44 or 744 if you prefer stainless. Rugged and accurate. Recommend a 6 inch short underlug barrel model. Those full underlugs get way to muzzle heavy for me.
Take Care
Second the Dan Wesson. Interchangable barrels allow for multiple roles, 4" for packing and 6,8,10" for target and hunting. Short double action. Very accurate and it is at least as strong as any other 44 on the market, personally I think stronger. Ruger sold us out long before S&W did.
Thanks for all the input guys. It's looking like the stainless Redhawk is getting the overall nod. Very decent price tag on that one. I checked and Packmayer makes a presentation grip for them, I've always liked those. I may indeed go with this gun. I'll keep everyone posted.

The DW is a little too pricey, but a damn fine suggestion. Very nice piece there, Mr Busch. Absolutely stunning grips!

I concur with the stainless Redhawk as first choice. But you might also take a look at the Taurus Model 44. The blued model can be had very reasonably, and with a 4" ported barrel. It's not a Ruger, but it's a nice piece all the same.
My super redhawk 9.5" with 1.5-4x scope is a piece of work :)
accurate and deadly out to 100yrd with 240 grain jacketed flat nose backed with 24 grains of H4227 powder and CCI magnum powder