412 lb deer?

412 pound deer!!!!!!!!??????what was the deer on? where did it find the steriods at? holy hell. Biggest deer i've shot was like 250lbs. That had to be one old deer in my opinion!

I wonder how that deer got around..pretty slow huh..If i saw that thing coming towards me I'd be like Holy *&%^$*@#@ !!!!!
Rack is kind of small compared to body tho, no? Don't get me wrong; BEAUTIFUL rack, but just saying with that body I'd almost expect a rack twice as big...or is it the pics that don't make it look as big as it really is?
The world record was a Whitetail from Virginia...

If memory serves, it was 425 pounds... :)
Got this 11pt few years ago that weighed 325lbs.....nearly let him go because his rack looked small compared to the rest of the body, boy was I wrong. Can't imagine a deer weighing 100lbs more than that....impressive!

Wow:eek: that's a huge buck! Looks like a brown cow.:D

The world record was a Whitetail from Virginia...

If memory serves, it was 425 pounds...

I read somewhere the record whitetail was a 500 pounder from Michigan I think?

EDIT: Found this on Minnesota Department of Natural resources site

Adult female white-tailed deer weigh about 145 pounds, males 170. The heaviest whitetail ever recorded in the United States was a 500-pound Minnesota buck.
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A lot of people are saying that this is a photoshop special, because of proportions, lack of shadows where they should be etc. Some people are saying it's real, but it was 'only' 345 lbs.

OTOH, I personally know a guy from Delaware County, Okla, who is full blood native american, who says that he knows one of the nat. amer. guys in the pictures.

Dontcha just love hearsay?

I'm starting to think it's photoshopped, because of the hands holding the deer's head up look too large for the guy's body - makes me think that it's a normal sized deer with shrunken-then-photo-shopped-in humans added later. Besides, why was there an accountant on casual friday walking through the woods in a green sweater - was he on his lunch break and said 'hey, can I get in that pic with you too?' or what. I'm sure the guys who made this up are having a good laugh right about now.

Rembrandt, wow, that's a monster trophy there - very nice!
DAMN !!!
and here I was thinking "I'd take that buck" just to find out it ONLY weighs 325 lbs. Why I'd roll that over in a ditch and leave it in the woods.
May be a fake picture, but they had to get a deer like that from somewhere.
either way it would be a KEEPER at my camp.

If it IS a fake "Shame on you" It would have been a great deer (and story) on it's own merits.
This photo has been floating around the internet for a little while. Look at the guys head in the first photo, his head looks out of proportion from his body. to me it does look like a photo shop job.
FirstFreedom, if that is real it is one of those Chinese deer or something. Not a whitetail. IMHO of course. I've been wrong before.

When I first read this post and looked at the pics I thought it was real. Now you guys are saying it's photoshoped. Well I'm going with the photoshoped side of it.Look at the bottom right pic. Look at the shadows on the deer around the neck and antlers and the bow. they're the only shadows in the pic that I can see and they don't fight the lighting conditions. Thats my 2 cents. Hell I may be wrong. wouldn't be the first time or the last probably.