.41 vs .44

I've owned four 44 magnum handguns....all of which had nothing to do with the Dirty Harry image but more to do with a cartridge that has plenty of power for medium game at reasonable range (for your ability to hit the vitals ) ! So far it has proven to be the case ! :) I never felt this caliber was or is that hard to manage the recoil or learn to shoot comfortably with practice ! There is no need to hotrod loads for the 44 magnum for most practical purposes !
I've had them both and shot wild game, bowling pins, silhouette and other pursuits with both. A few years back, I got out of the .44s and stuck with the .41s. Yes, the .44 Mag and .41 Mag are close with a slight edge to the .44 Mag in terms of close range horsepower. The .44 Mag is also easier to find factory loaded. The difference between .410 and .429 is really inconsequential in terms of stopping power. As for why I prefer the .41 Magnum for myself, read on...

I don't shoot much of factory anything and reloading the .41 magnum is not a big deal at all. I have loads from 210s at 800 fps up to 210s at 1650. I also load my own snake shot and have killed many rattlers with that load. When testing accuracy, I found that the .41 Magnum was more accurate out at 100 yards and actually had more retained energy. My scores were higher when I was shooting IMHSA with the .41 versus the .44. Never lost any game to either cartridge. I also shoot the .414 SuperMag which is better than the .445SM in terms of accuracy, so the .41 Mag also works for me there.

So while I won't try to convince you to buy the .41 Magnum if it is not for you, if it is, you will know it. The discerning individual will be able to sort through the chaff of the .44 fans and realize the difference. .44 Magnum fans are commonplace while .41 Magnum owners are much more interesting, have prettier girlfriends/wives, drive faster cars and generally have more confidence. :D
After reading these posts I have concluded that .41 magnum is bought because:

1) the .41 magnum shooters are wimpy about recoil
2) the .41 magnum shooters have false memories about history
3) the .41 magnum shooters believe that their personal illusion constitutes reality
4) the .41 magnum shooters enjoy their dreams about their own wisdom.

Just my personal opinion here. I figure any load a .41 magnum can do I can load a .44 magnum to do. I know the reverse is not true, so I smile everytime I read .41 magnum shooters try to tell the world that the .41 magnum is superior to the .44 magnum. :rolleyes:
:D After reading these posts I have concluded that .44 magnum is bought because:

1) the .44 magnum shooters think it makes them tougher
2) the .44 magnum shooters have false memories about history
3) the .44 magnum shooters believe that their personal illusion constitutes reality
4) the .44 magnum shooters enjoy their dreams about their own wisdom
5) .44 magnum owners are prone to puffery as intrinsic in a .429 caliber called instead a .44.

Just my personal opinion here. I figure any load a .44 magnum can do I can load a .41 magnum to do. .41 magnum owners are honest enough to realize that the reverse is also predominantly true, so I smile everytime I read .44 magnum shooters try to tell the world that the .44 magnum is superior to the .41 magnum. :D
For Hook686

Once again, for you .44 fans,

Arguments in favor of the .44 mag in this thread based on "power/energy" would compel one to get a .454 or .460 or whatever. Get whichever one makes the most sense to you. They are both good choices.

As for the "logic" above, anything your .44 mag can do my .454, .460, .480, .475, .500 can do better.
Maybe we should argue about something more important, like whether martinis should be shaken or stirred.:D
I prefer .32 Winchester Special over the 30-30, the .38 Super over the 9mm, the .32 S&W Long over the various .327's, the .44 Spl. over the .44 Magnum, and the .41 Magnum over the .44 Magnum. None of my choices are a handicap inasmuch as I am a hand loader and bullet caster.

In short, the more conservative, unusual, the considered thoughtful choice...a matter of taste, far (enough) from the madding crowd.
Irish, where are you?

44 vs 41 mag threads are always fun. Everyone has their opinion. Some are based on experience with both calibers and some aren't. I don't think I've noticed the OP come back on his own thread and make a comment about his thinking rather than just causing the dust to blow up with the comparison.

It boils down to get what you want as both will accomplish mostly the same role.
:D It does not matter! I prefer the .41 for the reasons stated. One of my close friends prefers the .44 for other reasons. We don't argue about it, we just shoot them.

If this issue gets you all upset, you really should take a break because the differences are insignificant. The OP should be happy with whatever choice he makes because it is his choice for his reasons.

What's better 7.5 birdshot or 8 birdshot...about the same difference. :D
My observation is that sure fire cut and dried stuff is not controversial. Running your engine without oil is not controversial.
Synthetic VS conventional oil will have the fanboys arguing till doomsday however.

"the thinking man's magnum"??? Really? That's got to be the most smug and condescending comment I have ever read.
Well, looks like I'll have to trade my perfectly good .44 Magnum, and all my reloading dies, in for a .41 Magnum lest the world thinks I'm a non-thinking whiskey drinkin' Camero driving mullet hairdo wearin' Jerry Springer show guest Dirty Harry wannabe.;)
What ever works for you but tomorrow is not soon enough to make the switch. :p

I in fact did get rid of my 44 mags after getting comfortable with a M57 41 mag. I saw no point in both, and I definitely want to be considered a "thinking man". ;)
Re zxcvbob

Ol'Joe just needs a proper mullet hairdo to go with that Firebird (wannabe Camero) and a black rock concert t-shirt with the sides all ripped open.:rolleyes:
Have used and reloaded the 41, 44Spl, 44Mag, and 45LC for many years. If I had to choose between factory ammo offerings, it would be 44 Mag. The platform would be Ruger SBH for price and recoil. A 6" Smith 44Mag with hot loads is at the limit of my recoil tolerance.