40mm Ammo

Honest to goodness 40mm HE rounds are made of Unobtanium AFAIK.

40mm is a Destructive Device. 37mm is typically a flare gun and not registered. I have seen some 37mm launchers papered as DDs so they can fire lethal rounds.

In my opinion the real use of either one is very limited. The cool factor is pretty high though.
But, what about tear gas and anti-barricade rounds that can be fired from a 37mm launcher? Are these regulated items or not? I used to see them being sold at gun shows in the early '90's and always wondered what their status was. The folks selling them said they were not regulated since they fit in the 37mm flare launchers - I was never too sure of that, but they didn't seem to have any concerns selling them.
SKANS-- That was what I was thining. You canstill buy various reload kits for the 37mm, so in a serious situation, differenttypes of loads could be loaded and produced. There were very many different types of 37mm rounds being sold out there 10 years ago. I was under the same impression, that they do not have to be registered unless they are 40mm.

In my opinion the real use of either one is very limited. The cool factor is pretty high though.

This was my initial feling also, just wanted to see if anyone could come up with a reason to go all in on a 40mm, instead of running all that $$ into a more extensive 37mm setup.

Back on topic now--- not trying to hi-jack your thread!!
Since people seem to be interested in this thread again, no I never did get around to reloading any 40mm ammo, never got around to getting an M79 either...
37mm leagality

OK, let me see if I can help clear up some of this. Remember I am not an attorney.

All 40mm are restricked and require register papwork unless they are demilled and rendered useless. The exception to the rule is a 40mm with a 37mm non-rifled barrel which would be a tittle one firearm. Most 37mm's do not require paperwork unless they are in possession with anti personel rounds or they have rifled barrel. This was a ruling made by ATF some years ago!

Ok, "Anti-Personel" round is any round that was specifically made to injure or kill someone like batons, bean bags, rubber bullets/pellets, bunker busters and so on.

"Possession" - the meaning of it is very vague! Some say "in same location" and some say "in the launcher itself". I have no knowledge of ATF ever putting in writing the definition of this term. It's kind of like full auto groups and semi auto firearms. I would not personally have anti personel rounds in the same loacation as a non-registered launcher just like I would not have full auto parts in same location as a semi auto firearm.

Other rounds. Last year ATF ruled that manufacturing and sales of explosive rounds "Bird Bombs", was illegal without proper ATF explosive license. This does not only apply to 37mm but to any type of explosive round such as 15mm and 12 gauge. I am thinking it only applies to new production because you still see them for sale at gun shows. But do not quote me on that.

So what can you shoot without having to register your launcher? Smoke, flares, star burst, parachutte flares and stuff like that. I need to caution you that if any of these type rounds are used in an "anti-personel" type situation, it could deem your launcher as a destructive device and now you broke the law!

Beehive was not manufatured for the 37mm but if it was it would require the launcher to be registered. Remember firing ammo that is manufactured to fire from a registered firearm, shotgun/rifle, from a non-registered weapon, launcher, is not legal! So using the adaptors to shoot shotgun shells from your launcher would put it into the registered classification.

This is just a breif overview and by all means is not complete. Make sure you also check state and local laws because they could be different from federal requirements.

I hope this helps!


Generally speaking, the 37mm isn't a firearm at all since it's exempted as a signaling device, just like any other flaregun.

I don't believe there are any such devices with rifled barrels, so it doesn't really matter at this point.

the 37mm isn't a firearm at all since it's exempted as a signaling device, just like any other flaregun.

This statement can get people in deep trouble. With launchers if it is a 26.5mm, 37mm or what not, the ammo possesed with it can dictate it's
"exempt satus".ATF ruled that anti personel ammo in possesion with a launcher makes the launcher a DD and if not registered they could have issues.

I have handled 37mm's with rifled barrels they were made in the late 80's to early 90's. Not many of them made but they are out there.
