40 Plus Members: Be Advised

45Gunner is quite right.

Last year, without warning, I woke up having a heart attack. I had never suffered symptoms, I was not under a doctor's care, I was working out (weights, run, bike, jiu jitsu) four or five days a week. I was in great shape. The week before this happened, I had run ten miles and lifted weights twice. The day it happened, I went snorkeling in open water in south Florida.

I died that night, briefly. Fortune smiled on me, I was about 500 yards from ALS paramedics and five minutes from a cath lab. I went from woke up having a heart attack to on the table for emergency surgery to dead to resuccitated to walking out of the hospital in a 36 hour period.

Live life. Do not take tomorrow for granted.
I find it strange that so many folks get into so many fights. Maybe I have just lived a sheltered life in the military, and don't drink or hang out at places where fights occur.

I had one fight in high school, and none since. I guess I don't look tough enough for someone else to prove they are tough by beating me. I'm not that tough either.

Question for the OP....
Would you have healed faster if you had taken an A$$-whopping?

Not trying to be difficult, but if there is no way out of a physical confrontation, then your only option was to try to end the fight as quickly as possible. It is difficult to judge if we will take more damage from being offensive or defensive, but ending the fight early is always better in my book.

As a caveat, I've only ever been in 3 fights. one win, one lose and one draw.
guys im sorry but i have to

Im sorry for this inconvenience but it seems that I have found my way into the senior citizen side of this thread and was wondering where the youth group was at? :)
I did my share of bar room brawling in my younger days but truth is even if you win it still hurts. I'm 54 now and it hurts just to make a fist from all the times I busted my knuckles up. Bottom line is don't F*** with me cuz I'll put a hole in you if you do.
Well I remember being a young bull and getting in an argument with my father. Being young and stupid I invited him outside to settle things. He then explained to me that when it came to fighting at his age, there weren't any rules :D when it came to such physical discussions. By then I had calmed enough to realize the error of my ways and withdrew the offer..

As to this situation, as someone else said, "I'm too old to fight and too young to take a beating".

At my current age (58 and certainly not as good as I once was) I'm going to avoid any physical altercations if at all possible and if I or my family are in severe danger, I will use whatever means necessary to defend us.
I knew I would take a little flame from that :). But this "young whippersnapper" cannot help but the occasional jab ( verbal ) at the more senior generation :)
One of the funnier stories my mom used to tell was about her father and his sons. At one point one of my uncles said he was going to "tell dad" what one of the others was saying. At this point the offender, likely in his early 20s, said, "So what? I can take the old man anyday!" Well, my mom and her sister quickly told Grandpa, who promptly said, "Yeah? Well, we'll see about that." At that point, my mom said my uncle "landed on his ass in two shakes.":D
One of the young guns at work . Was bragging about how strong he is and a bad a&& he is. He made a remark to one of the new OLDER FOLKS.The old guy STUFFED HIM IN 2 SECONDS . HUMBLE PIE is his new name .DOI'T MESS WITH THE OLD FOLKS.
I'm 40, fat, and out of shape. My trigger finger is 40, fat, and out of shape, but it, like me, will do what it must, if the situation calls on it.
but the greatest weapon I have over a youngin, is my experience to crawl inside there mind to make mush of it, and if that dosen't work.....That is where my trigger finger comes into play.
I'd always say my "twin 9's". They'd ask if I carried two 9mm's - "Nope, the size 9 shoes on my feet to run away."


Lord I hate growing older, that slow slide into decrepitude. If I may quote my Father… “Boy, ya got to fight it, fight it all the time, because old age is not for wimps.”
Im sorry for this inconvenience but it seems that I have found my way into the senior citizen side of this thread and was wondering where the youth group was at?

They are the ones trying to kick the poop out of us old folks.:eek:
Watch out for guys in their 50's and '60's - some of them are darned good fighters, still fast, strong, and highly skilled fighters. In my '20's and early '30's I trained with men of this age - some put a pretty serious hurting on me; one in particular could have seriously injured and/or killed me quite quickly - and this is when I was running marathons and bench-pressing 315 lbs.

Lifting weights and running is not the same as fighting - nothing like a good fighter to make you realize how much time you wasted lifting weights and running thinking that will somehow protect you.
Things that I found helpful by living this long.

The purpose of fighting is to Win. All else is supplemental.

"Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets. You may get killed with your own gun, but he'll have to beat you to death with it, cause it's going to be empty."

""If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck"

"Beware the man who only carries one gun. HE PROBABLY KNOWS HOW TO USE IT!!! "

"Fast is fine, but Accuracy is Fatal"
I haven't been in a fight for over 20 years. Maybe 25 years.

However, I've had the good fortune to talk a few people down from their intention to whup my sorry ass. There's something intrinsically more rewarding in crawling inside someone's brain and stirring things up as opposed to getting or putting a beat down on.

I can relate to the "nothing to lose" mindset.

My buddy and I work out nearly every day with very heavy weights. I say "very heavy" 'cause they must be marking them differently nowadays 'cause they just don't seem to add up like the math used to make them add up. I dunno.

We stretch hard before, during and after each workout and it still takes me five days to recover completely.

I'm still feeling the back pain from the smelting session I did on Saturday. Ouch.

Lesson for the old farts: stay out of the 20-something bars. :eek:

In fact, just avoid the bar scene, period.

Do any guzzlin' at home. There, the worst altercation you'll have is tripping over the dog when you're pie-eyed. :mad:

Doesn't matter how many crunches you can do. After 40, you're not a tough guy.

You're an old fart. ;)

Word to the wise ... :cool:
After 40, you're not a tough guy.

That's bad advice to be giving folks in their 20's-30's. When I was in my late 20's, early 30's I learned that a 50 year old who weighed 30 lbs less than me could beat the tar out of me going 1/2 speed and without breaking much of a sweat.

50 year old guys don't typically go around looking for fights, like 20 somethings sometimes do. I don't care how much someone bench press or how many miles a person can run - none of that is going to help a person defend himself against an in shape well-trained 50 year old man. I'm not 50 and I'm not talking about myself - just have trained with one 50 year old welterweight who could take on most 20,30, and 40 year olds who are not highly experienced fighters.
I know some 65-70 year olds in the Orlando area whom I would not recommend one challenge to a fight.

Not that they'd accept one, but if the issue were forced... it would be ugly.

But getting older has definite drawbacks. Injuries are easier to accrue (by the actions of the other guy, or over-exertion or off-balance exertion on our own part). When we get injured, it takes a lot longer to heal.

At 43, I find it takes me weeks to heal up from what would have taken two or three days' healing when I was in my 20's.

Of course, this also applies to injuries from skiing, mountain biking, and just life in general.
Well the last fight I got into ended when I killed the SOB with a baseball bat. OH sorry I thought we were talking fishing must be gettin' old but the fish was real big tasty too.

walk softly and use big hooks and cheep bate