4 gauge shotgun??? What???

re:lighting off both barrels of a 4-bore. Selous reportedly did the same

According to the version I read, Selous was using a 4-bore single barreled muzzle-loader as his #1 gun.

The gun mis-fired and Selous passed it back and continued the hunt with the #2 gun in hand. #1 gun made it's way back to the loader who assumed the gun had been fired. Rather than reseating the charge and putting a fresh cap on the nipple, loader poured another overly generous measure of powder down the spout, followed by a wad, a bullet, and another wad.

I due course, #2 gun and #3 gun were both discharged and #1 gun made it's way back to Bwana Selous's hot little hands. Allegedly, Selous drew a bead on a monstrous tusker and pulled the trigger.

An enormous explosion resulted. The gun stock broke at the wrist, and Selous was knocked out colder than a wedge with a dislocated shoulder.

The gunbearers, loader and trackers swiftly made tracks back to camp. Some time later, Selous regained consciousness and returned to camp in time to overhear his staff discuss the relative merits of returning to the coast and reporting the death of BWana Selous, and simply melting into the jungle. (Melting into the jungle and avoiding blame for the death of Selous seemed to hold the winning edge until Selous showed up.) When he staggered into camp, Selous scared hell out of his staff who were convinced he was a ghost. Supposedly, it took some time to convince them that he was actually alive and not a ghost.

Selous repaired the gunstock with rawhide, brass tacks and copper wire. He used it for several months until he returned to the coast to sell his ivory.

Doc Hudson
Double charged four-bore

I bet that left a heck of a bulge in the bore! Absolutely amazing that the barrel didn't burst.
The newest Outdoor Life has an article about a British Shotgun maker who makes 1, 2, and 4 gauge shotguns. It shows a picture of him firing one of his handmade 2 gauge shotguns. The 1 gauge he is crafting (with hand tools) I believe will weigh somewhere in the neighborhood of 56 lbs. There is also a picture of him loading one of his 2 gauge shells - he made them out of brass. It seems that he can reach out and touch those high flyers at 80 yards with the 2 gauge and estimates that the 1 gauge will easily reach over 100.


When I purchased my USAS-12, I ended up learning a lot from "regulation spelunking" on the BATF website. I highly recommend it if you are bored, some interesting concepts (in violation of the 2nd) throughout.

Mere civilians are not allowed to have firearms of more than .5-inch bore UNLESS they decide it is particularly suitable for sporting purpose. Shotguns like a duck gun, skeet/trap, sporting clays...all OK. "Tactical" guns are frowned on, except they (for now) seem to understand there ins't much legal distinction between a 18.5" ghost ring folding stock 870 and a 28" 'conventional' 870. However, if it looks TOO mean...that is where rule 94-1 (which says the USAS is a Class III because it has "no sporting use") and others fill the gap.

The shooting sports are NOT sports, by the way. Several lawsuits attempted to bring up the existence of police-type competitions, IPSC, etc, but the offical government position is that they are NOT sports.

Oddly enough, I use my semi-auto M4 and that USAS-12 as the lead shooter for my base shooting team...chartered through Base Services as a SPORT. Go figure.

4 bore? Scary...my shoulder hurts just thinking about it.
