3inch Revolver Bed Side Companion – Bump In The Night

And why a 3" barrel? You probably aren't going to be concealing a bedside revolver.
You don't exactly want a long barrel either, more for the intruder to grab. Also, if this was a one gun solution (say someone just wanted to own one gun) a 3 inch does just fine for both carry (open or concealed) or home defense.

It's not like pocket pistols can't also serve in a home defense role. I have LCP's that I stash in places in the house that way no matter where I am at home, something's not too far from me in the event it's needed and given how small some guns are, they're easy to find places to hide them.
You don't exactly want a long barrel either, more for the intruder to grab. Also, if this was a one gun solution (say someone just wanted to own one gun) a 3 inch does just fine for both carry (open or concealed) or home defense.

It's not like pocket pistols can't also serve in a home defense role. I have LCP's that I stash in places in the house that way no matter where I am at home, something's not too far from me in the event it's needed and given how small some guns are, they're easy to find places to hide them.
how does a home invader grab a hold of your pistol barrel?
When he or his accomplice(s) take you buy surprise. Unless you live in a mansion, it's tight quarters inside the home.
if you're doing building searches by yourself, your tactics suck. if you haven't been trained to do building searches and you do so, you're not very wise. an alarm system has a battery back up so wire cutting isn't going to do it anymore. an alarm system costs less than what most people spend on a gun and what most people spend on ammo monthly. I'd like to hear how a bad guy AND his accomplices would get into your home unnoticed by you. also, if you fear a gun take away you should invest in weapon retention training.
I wouldn't think the difference in a three or four inch barrel would make any practical difference in the possibility of an intruder grasping the barrel, whether the homeowner had received tactical training or not.

Good reasons to have a three-inch revolver at the beside? 1. Familiarity because a person carries and/or shoots it well. 2. It fits the storage compartment (drawer) better or is easier to conceal (I personally don't want a gun in plain view next to me while I sleep). 3. It may be easier/faster to retrieve from the drawer/hiding area. 4. It's a good excuse to buy and own another gun.
You don't exactly want a long barrel either, more for the intruder to grab. Also, if this was a one gun solution (say someone just wanted to own one gun) a 3 inch does just fine for both carry (open or concealed) or home defense.
Good reasons to have a three-inch revolver at the beside? 1. Familiarity because a person carries and/or shoots it well. 2. It fits the storage compartment (drawer) better or is easier to conceal (I personally don't want a gun in plain view next to me while I sleep). 3. It may be easier/faster to retrieve from the drawer/hiding area. 4. It's a good excuse to buy and own another gun.
Both quotes are good advice...well said TT & KyJ Rod