3inch Revolver Bed Side Companion – Bump In The Night

I have a 4-inch barreled Model 65 I keep loaded and stashed in my walkout basement/living area. I also recently purchased the new Model 19 Carry Comp with three inch barrel. So, my preference would be the SW, even with a bobbed hammer. I haven't shot the K-6, but the triggers on the couple I fondled underwhelmed me, especially after all the raves I read about it. Maybe it just needed some rounds through it.
Both great choices but as a loyal S&W man I would go with the model 65. Besides I have a 65 with 4" barrel and its a smooth operator.;)
I recently put my 3 inch Model 36 back in my safe and replaced it with my S&W 411 in .40.

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My bedside companion (besides the 12 gauge pump in the corner) is a 3 inch Charter Bulldog Classic .44 Special.
I have a 686+ 3" being shipped to my local FFL as we speak.

I also have a Kimber K6S 2" in the safe.

Also in the safe is a S&W 627 Pro. 4" 8 shots and a SP101 2.25" as well as a S&W 629 4" 44 magnum.

Of the 5 (have not shot the 686 yet) the Kimber would not, as yet, be a bedside gun. I for some reason just can not shoot it and definitely not in 357 magnum. I am working on the grips to absorb the recoil of 357 magnum. Put it on a bench rest yesterday and had very tight groups from 10 yards, but without the bench rest I am all over the place and even +p 38 special is a tad much for me. It is a well made revolver though. Just too much recoil as witnessed by a number of owners on Kimbertalk.

The Ruger and the S&Ws are very accurate and tame the recoil very well.

I plan to carry the 3" 686+ if it proves to be as good as my other S&Ws.
I also have a 3 inch 686 Plus. great revolvers. They are fairly heavy for EDC. Get a good gun belt and a good, sturdy holster.
"Mike your 411 have nights sights? Haven't seen a 411 in a long time. "

Nope. Stock sights.

It's actually marked as a Model 410, but I just call it a 411 (same gun, really) because of the confusion of people thinking I have one of those ugly .410 shotshell revolvers.
I know exactly which one you are talking about. My wife's first LEO pistol was a 411. Most people do not know that there actually was a 411 until the weapon assault ban which reduced magazine capacity down to 10 rounds it was then rebranded the S&W 410. My wife was a really confident in it and shot really well with it then they swapped to the Glock22 she eventually warmed up to the glock but took a lot of practicing for her to gain her confidence back.

I asked about night sights because I like them for home defense and I have tried to get replacements for these burnt out 1990 editions :)

This was a great Aluminum frame DA/SA pistol that was very cost effective from S&W
I'd go with the S&W, and not only because I'm a S&W 65 fan (I have a 3" S&W 65LS which I love BTW). In fact, if you were talking about which to use for carry, I'd say the Kimber. For the same reason I'd say the Kimber for carry, I say use the Smith for home defense- size. The lighter weight of the K6s may be an advantage for carry. Its smaller size is also an advantage. However, the heavier weight of the 65 is an advantage when you aren't going to carry. It will recoil less, allowing you to get back on target faster and giving you quicker follow up shots. The larger frame size will also likely mean a slightly longer sight radius even though the barrel length is the same, so it should be a little easier to get on target accurately with the S&W.
Take your pick.
Between those two, the Kimber.

My personal choice for a bedside revolver: Taurus Public Defender. Further than that, if I were to choose something on the bed right next to my pillow, it'd be a Pietta 1858 Sheriff with the .45 Colt conversion cylinder.
I'm not really in the mood for a youtube video right now, so what are the choices?

And why a 3" barrel? You probably aren't going to be concealing a bedside revolver.
Lots of options out there in 3". In my opinion, with the compact grips, Ruger's GP-100 .357 3", is one sweet deal. Compared to the new Colt King cobra, the Ruger is less money, only 7 ounces heavier and FAR more rugged and durable. The Ruger trigger smooths out considerably with dry firing / shooting and is very slick. I have had Colt revolvers in the past that went out of time in the lockwork. The Ruger is built like a TANK and will digest tens of thousands of full power magnums without issue. And my Ruger was made in NH, right next door. :D
Why did I chose the GP-100 3" over the S&W 686 snub? I couldn't find a used S&W 686 WITHOUT a lock. I just hate the look of the hole. So Ruger it is, unless I locate an older S&W.
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Now that is an interesting choice curious do you have one today?
Yes, both. For typical inside the home distances, the purported accuracy issues with the Judges isn't a factor, nor is the short barrel as the slow big bore's like .44 Spl and .45 Colt don't lose much velocity going from a long barrel to a short barrel, so I understand why you think 3 inches is a good size for the bedside role.

The 1858, given it's a single action, is IMO safer to sleep with right next to you and given single actions are all so slow to reload and reloads likely wouldn't be needed anyway, I don't see the issue using a conversion cylinder. Also, if it does have to be used, it goes into an evidence room for who knows how long until you get it back. Nice thing is those Pietta's are cheap at Cabela's, $220 when on sale.