.380 Pistol Suppressor?

According to them, this is a machine gun...

but if you are going to correct a poster's nomenclature, at least be accurate.
...just sayin', ya know.;)

I much prefer the term "can", 'cause that sounds cool.

I don't have any ATF forms that have the word "suppressor" on them.
In the movie 8mm Nicholas Cage plays a private detective who carries a stainless Sig P232 with a suppressor. I know that's really not on topic but thought it might be of interest to .380 fans. I'm 95% positive it's a Sig P230 or 232. If I'm wrong, so sorry. But the Sig .380 turns up in a number of flicks, probably for its good looks.
Extended threaded barrels are a benefit, however not NECESSARY. Adco Firearms will turn down the end of your existing barrel and thread it. You can then thread on an adapter which will support the silencer/suppressor/muffler/can of your desire.

The issues I see it are that the extended barrel will be a better match as you have no bullet jump between the barrel and the silencer/suppresor/muffler/can. The threaded barrel with adapter issue will allow you to use the factory barrel, but has about 1/4" of a gap between the barrel and the silencer/suppressor/muffler/can.

Threading the existing barrel is invariably cheaper than buying an extended barrel and getting it threaded.

It'll depend on the barrel. The ones that I've seen are threaded about 3/8-1/2 inch. The adapter is about 3/4" long. Then the can threads to the adapter.

Call Adco and talk to Steve.
The suppressor is just a matter of buying it and doing the paperwork (which takes about 10 minutes).

Huh???:confused: Where did you come up with THAT gem?

Seems to me you've overlooked the fingerprints, photographs, sign off by your CLEO, submission of forms to BATFE for approval (including, of course, the $200.00 for the tax stamp) and the 3 to 6 month wait for them to return it with approval.
Doing the paperwork takes about 10 minutes.
All that other stuff you mention is NOT doing the paperwork.
Reading is fundamental.

I have read for years (online of course) that you have to fill out mountains of paperwork to buy an NFA item. This ALWAYS comes from someone who has never done it. The paperwork is ONE sheet, filled out front and back which you can do as a PDF document on your computer and print out. Doing the paperwork takes like 10 minutes and most of that is trying to figure out which way to put the paper in your printer so it prints on both sides.

Since you mention that other stuff, I can tell you that here, from beginning to end (not counting the purchase of the suppressor) the whole process of doing the paperwork, printing out the paperwork, doing the pictures (printed out on the computer from a cell phone photo), driving down to the police office that handles this type of thing, getting the fingerprints, and giving them the paperwork to sign is probably about two hours counting the drive and the wait in the office. I can't speak for anybody else: I have no idea how similar or different their city or governmental agencies are from here where I live.
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