.380 auto suggestions


I recently sold a s&w380 because of functioning problems and would like to buy a reliable and accurate replacement for plnking at harmless and possibly harmful things.Thinking about a makarov type or bersa, any suggestions?
If you're not planning on carrying it, the Makarov is the best bargain in the class of gun you're considering. Cheap ammo, and very inexpensive to buy the gun. They're a very reliable shooter, I have a couple myself...
If you like the 380 cartridge, for my hand the Sig 232 REALLY feels nice. It works well too, but the bottom mag release is not ideal.
If you do a search, you'll find lots of nice comments about the Bersa. I have limited personal experience--I shot one once--but it felt nice and shot to point of aim well. Those that own 'em say they're pretty reliable. I own an FEG APK MK II, which is pretty similar, but a bit heavier. I really like it. I can say from experience that it is reliable and accurate.
I have a Walther PPK/S and a SIG P232. The SIG feels better in the hand, is smoother and sleeker (such as for pocket carry), and shoots smoother. The PPK/S is a nice gun, but a little harsh to shoot, and the DA trigger pull is very heavy. The SIG is easier to shoot accurately because of the smoothness.

It's the Beretta Model 84. Nice, but I opted for the Browning BDA .380 myself (too good of a deal), also manufactured by Beretta, I preferred the overall design better than the Model 84 also. One benefit is that they accept the same magazines!

The Browning patterns fairly well at 12 paces with all types of ammunition, although I did have some glitches using some Winchester JHP's two sessions ago. Both were on chambering the first round, and I suspect I was riding the slide (I do that all too often on smaller pistols). The last session went off without a problem, with me being more conscious of poor technique. FMJ's are what I typically carry in this caliber, but insist on evaluating all pistols extensively to determine their limitations.

The trigger is stiff and takes some getting used to. Still, I am able to produce 3" groups offhand at 30 feet with it which I consider more than expected for such a piece.

I admit that the BDA .380 and the 84 are fairly large for .380's, but that is the price paid for 13+1. Truthfully, in such a pistol, I prefer the 232 as you described. Probably the epitome of the .380 at the moment. I can see one in my future!
The Beretta is the best of the bunch. Sigs are good too. I've seen a few of the American Walthers with feeding difficulties and they tend to bite the hand that feeds them.
IMHO, there are so many little 9mm's out there now such as the Glock 26 and the little Kahrs. Therefore, for the same size, go with the bigger "pop".
Rob96 has it right. I have a Series 95 Bersa .380 and it is a great piece. It has never jammed and I found 10 rd mags for it by Promag for $24.50 but it comes as a 7+1. I haven't ordered them yet but they are on my list. Try a search on Bersa and you should find some good info on it. I carry mine quite a bit I am very confident with it. Great accuracy and relaibility has been perfect.
(If you're not planning on carrying it, the Makarov is the best bargain in the class of gun you're considering.)

The Mak is the best however I believe it is also
excellent for carry. I prefer the 9x18 cal over
the 380. You can pay a bunch of bucks and not get
a better gun then a mak.
I'm with bullet44...

I will take my Mak over any .380 any day of the week!

Not that I don't like the .380 - I used to have a Browing BDA that I absolutley loved. Regretably, though, I sold it to get another gun. I have regretted selling it since. In fact, I'm looking to get one soon.

If I had to stay with a .380, then I'd go back to the Browning BDA, or the Berettas (which I believe are nearly identical guns - I think Browning and Beretta had some type of manufacturing agreement at one time). The Sig 232 is nice, too!
Could I recommend a Kahr MK9 over a .380? The Sig 230/232 is good, reliable gun, but it is not very size efficient as it is larger than a Kahr MK9. The Kahr is not only smaller, but is 9mm, a much more potent round than .380. Also, the Sig 230/232 has the magazine release on the heel of the frame, rather than a button that you press with your thumb. This European type of mag-release is slower than the standard thumb release.

Careful with older (pre-90s) Bersas - my experience with them (working at a gun store) was that they were not reliable.

Maks are wonderful. The Hungarian SMC (similar in size to PPK) is a good value.

Got a Bersa 83A and it was a great little gun for the money.
No problems what so ever. I do use this for a CCW from time to time.
When it comes to direct comparisons of small 9mm's with Walther's and Sig's, I find that the Kahr P9 much more closely resembles that style of weapon, along with being lighter and 7+1 of 9mm instead of .380. Very similar in size and feel.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the MK9, but it's a two finger pocket rocket, which is not quite in the same category as the PPK/S and Sig 232 that these guys seemed most interested in. Heck, get both, (one for your wife of course :) )
Makarovs come in 9x18 Makarov and .380 You can pick either one, but the 9x18 is a tad more powerful, while still manageable.
I'd have to give my nod to the Sig P-232 as others have mentioned. The bottom mag release is the only thing I don't like, but the slide doesn't pinch me like a PPK does.
Carrying coals to Newcastle, I know, But I'd have to cast my vote for the Makarov as well. My East German Makarov is in 95% condition, absolutely reliable, accurate, and mildly recoiling. The drawbacks are narrow, skimpy sights and a creepy trigger. However, it is an awful lot of gun for $190. It's a great plinker-cum-pocket piece with historical significance. I've never handled one of the Bulgarian examples, but most owners rave about theirs. I used to have a Walther PPK- the Makarov takes the laurel by a wide, wide margin.