I have loaded thousands of half jacket speers. I have many in 158gr, never used them in .38spl, i did .357 mag. i came across a boat load of them for cheap, they wee about 20 years old. good bullets. interesting expansion, would be nice game bullet.
they always expand into a perfect circle like these, i have tested many in several medias, always same result. and they expand very large and keep a heavy core at base, never had jacket separation, but i know it can be an issue. to help avoid that, i do a heavy crimp on the cannelure that, i think, helps press the jacket into the lead so it stays put.
i have some from several different manufacturers, some have more of a flat nosed profile, but the round ones expand larger and feed better in the lever-action
these ones below are new manufacture sierra
*edit: sorry, i just noticed that your bullets have the cannelure in the lead and not the jacket...almost like a quarter jacket bullet, those are unique and don't think i have ever seen that. i almost wonder if that was a mistake on the bullet maker. i cant see why that would be desirable to have some of the , obviously soft swaged, lead contact the rifling.......odd