.38 special and an 820 pound wild Hog

Seems reasonable the way the hog hung around the house with all the commotion and a barking dog. I don't think a truly wild pig would stick around there. Probably looking for a handout cuz he missed a meal.
Wild or not, I would of reacted similar not knowing. But I would of grabbed something a little stronger than my 38 if I was going back into the house.

Growing up in Texas I knew a girl who's step dad did the whole hog hunting with dogs and a knife. He was 6'5 and was 280ish in weight and said it was a rush hunting them this way.

Either way this was a big hog.
It's about shot placement and I suspect that in his job of stuffing animals, he knew where he needed to shoot. We raised hogs when I was growing up and we killed a big one every year to eat. My Dad would kill then with a single shot from my Mom's old 32 caliber revolver. He never had to use more than one shot in the years he used the old H&R revolver that I am afraid to shoot because it is so loose and wiggly.
Hate derailing the topic, but I gotta know. Do these massive hogs even make for good eating? That's a lot of pork being harvested.
In all truth, I would have never gone up against an 800 lbs. plus wild pig/boar with a 38.
I would using a 357 mag absolutely. Even my Glock 9mm with Hornady 147 grain ammo.
My hat's off to you. To me this was an incredible occurance.
While that is a nice looking spear in the pic, its NOT a proper boar spear from what I can see.

A proper boar spear has a cross bar, and its there for a good reason!!

We have literally, thousands of years experience taking wild boar with spears, and many people have been killed or crippled by speared boars, because they used a spear without a crossbar. Same goes for bears. A blade long enough to reach the vitals and a crossbar to keep the rather upset beast from coming up the spear shaft and getting you before it dies, is a better tool than one without.

Can you do it without a crossbar? sure. Can you do it with a .38? sure. But there are better tools for the job.
Friend of mine shot a piggy 4 times w/a .243 before it chased him up a tree.
He dropped the rifle to climb the tree & the oinker chewed it up some before wondering off to die.

Do these massive hogs even make for good eating?
I often wondered that myself. That's a lot of bacon to let go to waste.

I know the guided hunts up North here will all butcher what you shoot for a fee.

None are close to the size of those big Southern monsters though.
Hogs will eat about anything. Goat farmers will often have a few hogs to follow the heard of goats. The hogs chow down on all the goat poop and keep things much cleaner around the farm. There have been stories of murder cases where human remains have been fed to hogs. I know at Ft. Polk, LA back in the 1960's local hog farmers would pay for the right to collect the edible waste from mess halls to feed their hogs.

True wild hogs will have the risk of disease from not receiving inoculation given to raised hogs.

The hog in this incident would probably of been good eating; although there was most likely a lot of fat making for greasy meat. The guy in the article said he was afraid it had turned rancid due to not dressing it ou quick enough for edible food. It was over 24 hours and a hot part of the year in South Alabama. Back in the olden days when people would butcher hogs it was normally during the late Fall season when the weather got a chill to it.
There is a big difference in between a wild hog and a real wild boar: Wild boars are very hardy, especially if they had been shot before.
The difference is that one is called, a feral pig/hog/boar, the other is a Wild hog/pig/boar. We learned that in school by staying awake. :)
Most news reporters don't know the difference between a glock and an AK47.

I wouldn't put too much faith in their reporting.
"While that is a nice looking spear in the pic, its NOT a proper boar spear from what I can see.

A proper boar spear has a cross bar, and its there for a good reason!!

We have literally, thousands of years experience taking wild boar with spears, and many people have been killed or crippled by speared boars, because they used a spear without a crossbar. Same goes for bears. A blade long enough to reach the vitals and a crossbar to keep the rather upset beast from coming up the spear shaft and getting you before it dies, is a better tool than one without.

Can you do it without a crossbar? sure. Can you do it with a .38? sure. But there are better tools for the job."

If you are referencing to my photo, the little piece of stag is pretty solidly attached and, by the way, this is a handmade German Saufeder that had been used in hunting wild boar.

I also have a shorter boar spear for brush work, just six feet long that has a bigger stag bar solidly tied to it and is blood soilt.
Nanuk, 38SPL is more than adequate for self defense. Just because it has been around for a very long time doesn't mean it is obsolete and/or ineffective. In fact, 38Spl's longevity proves quite the opposite. To say otherwise is simply misguided.

This old Detective is carried quite often. It is stoked with 158gr LSWCHPs and will certainly do the job.
Nanuk, 38SPL is more than adequate for self defense. Just because it has been around for a very long time doesn't mean it is obsolete and/or ineffective. In fact, 38Spl's longevity proves quite the opposite. To say otherwise is simply misguided.

Not misguided. I have seen too many people shot with one to believe otherwise. Feel free to listen to internet lore and believe they are all good. A 38 snubby is marginal. If the 38 Special was indeed special we never would have had the 38-44 or the 357 magnum.
Hmmmm, apparently a hog missing from the neighbor's place across the street. It is NOT a wild hog and despite the vague definition, would be hard pressed to call it feral.
That clears things up considerably. I was surprised by this story because I've never seen credible evidence of a hog that large that hadn't been penned and fed.
Nanuk, 38SPL is more than adequate for self defense. Just because it has been around for a very long time doesn't mean it is obsolete and/or ineffective. In fact, 38Spl's longevity proves quite the opposite. To say otherwise is simply misguided.
Not misguided. I have seen too many people shot with one to believe otherwise. Feel free to listen to internet lore and believe they are all good. A 38 snubby is marginal. If the 38 Special was indeed special we never would have had the 38-44 or the 357 magnum.

A 38 snubby is marginal...

That's literally one of the most laughable statements I have ever read on TFL.