.38 Special 158 +P SWLHP or 110 +P Corbon against Body Armor?

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Re: Tyler, Texas

Mark Wilson, the citizen who engaged the armored shooter at the Tyler, TX Courthouse was using a Colt. .45. Mr. Wilson made several center of mass hits on the shooter and it didn't faze him at all. The gunman walked up on Mr. Wilson as he was reloading and shot him to death.

I seriously doubt that several non-penetrating hits on body armor, regardless of caliber will cause an assailant to stop his attack. It may scare him off, but the bullet impacts will not physically make him stop.
It may be time to pack around the 12 ga w/ #1 buck, or perhaps the CZ 52 maybe worth a look in 7.62x25.
banditto posted this...

those guys in the bank robbery w/ armor were indeed on drugs

i forget which one they were on, it was something i hadn't heard of before but needless to say it took away all pain.

those guys legs were shot to crap and they kept going.

I know several people were hit in that incident but i do not beleive anyone died.

Moral of the story... one more time... you can't carry a rifle that will penetrate body armor because, well, the american public would freak out if they saw you walk around the mall with an AR. Any pistol round designed to defeat body armor is illegal, and would not work half as well as JHP the 95% of the time the BG DOES NOT have body armor.

Now, exhibit A. Banditto's post was refering to the bank robbers who shot it out in hollywood. I think one of those guys was shot something like 29 times THAT PENETRATED. He still kept kicking. There are some people that refuse to go down, and I will be the first to say that a few hits to body armor will not always render everyone physically unable to go on. There are some shootings in which BG without armor is hit multiple times and is still physically able to go on. My argument is that theres no need for anyone here to try and obtain the means to penetrate body armor because it is ILLEGAL.

With the only option left being to carry as you normally would in the first place. Now we have gotten a few good nuggets of wisdom out of this thread, least I think, for I think that a groin shot or 5 would be a pretty good idea if you hit COM several times and the BG still keeps coming. Head shot is also a viable option if you're close enough to be able to hit that target under duress.

Just my .02
Another thing to think about is wether or not they are wearing trauma plates in the vest. If they have trauma plates in then yes, they will be able to take as many .45 rounds as you can throw at them. Trauma plates themselves aren't bulletproof, but they do spread the impact of the bullet over the whole area of the plate. I'm sure we all know that 15 pounds displaced over an area of, say, 10"x12" then it doesn't hurt. That same 15 pounds concentrated on area of, say, 1/8"x1/8" then it hurts something fierce. It's the whole pounds per square inch theory that I'm sure everyone understands. Anyhoo, trauma plates spread the impact of the projectile evenly over the entire area of the plate. They're usually 10"x12" or so. Without the trauma plates all of the energy is concentrated in an area much much smaller.

I'll never refuse to admit when I'm wrong :o ... forgot about trauma plates. A BG could very well wear body armor with them and take all the hits from a handgun you wanted to fire and still keep trucking.
They knew that, and they had already killed people so they didn't care much about going to jail.

From the article:

Two suspects were killed, and 15 people were injured, including 10 policemen. None of the injuries incurred during the hour-long shootout was "life threatening," Los Angeles Police Chief Willie Williams said.


The suspects had not killed anybody, although they might have been trying to.
if you are worried about a gun fight with someone wearing body armour do your best i=mpersonation of Jessie Owens and take a head shout from 50 plus yards out with a rifle
I took a .40 JHP round on a IIIa vest.
It hurt like hell, but I was not incapacitated by the hit. Sure, over two months later I still have a mark from it, but the important thing is it didn't come close to "knocking me out".
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