.38 snub nose suggestions?

I too have a two inch S&W Model 64. With proper holster and grips, it conceals as well as a 5-shot J-Frame when both are carried in holsters of simmilar design. However, the 64 is just too much in weight and grip size for pocket carry.
A used Smith $ Wesson Model 60 Chiefs Special would make a nice gun for CCW use. Due to Smith $ Wessons sellout to the Klinton regime I would not buy anything that they make new. Other than that the larger Ruger SP101 is a nice and very strong gun.


The S&W M64 feels as heavy to me as does a .357 Magnum k-frame. It seems to absorb recoil as well as a magnum also. I bought it about a year ago, and immediately put it away and forgot I had it until a month ago. Took it out and was very happy with the feel and the accuracy. Might need to get some slightly smaller grips though.
I carry a Taurus Ultra Lite Mod 85 in SS as a BUB on duty. Save yourself the $100 and try this instead of the Ti. I have carried it 60+ hours a week in a belly band holster on my vest for six months. I forget it is there only weighing 17 oz. Nice shooter. I have to shoot the +P+ rounds for qulification that I carry in it. I would not put a 1000 of these trough it but OK for some shooting.
My little babies. :)


Ahhh, I feel better now.... :)
Right On!!! with the etch-a-sketch,

:)as 'em Smith's do get expensive. I'm still
collecting pennies, in order to get another
firearm; abeit it might just be a "Fanner 50".

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, Life Member N.R.A.
38 special

I am no combat guru but my model 60 is all I need for concealed carry, I like the option of single action fire.If I am wearing the clothing I might carry something bigger,but this time of year I need as small as I can get without having to resort to a mouse gun.
Redneck5: All due respeck but a 38 IS a mousegun. When you go to the 32 Auto you can say you have a FLEA gun!! :p
So are Taurus guys more computer savy than Smith guys? The one and only pic of a 642 (sans film cannisters and any other hokey props) has to be downloaded while these Taurus guys assault us with giant scrolling and even flickering pics of their sub-snubs....oh well, guess when we have the best, we don't need to show it off...but I sure wish you all could see my beautiful model 60 with bobbed hammer, hideout grips and red ramp insert..I can' take my eyes off of it...oh wait, I just did to type this...oh smithy, I'm back........:p
Do yourself a favor. Check out Rossi.

I went in to pick up either a S&W or Colt - fella behind the counter
suggested the Rossi. I said, "no thanks". He convinced me to inspect them all - compare and contrast each to the others.

I changed my mind and bought the little Rossi 5 shot snub.
This little sweetheart is a real shooter. In my judgement, the
trigger is better, and it puts rounds where I want 'em every time.

Since it is patterned on the little S&W, holsters are readily available. Many rounds have proven it to be accurate, rugged and reliable. It is my carry gun during warm weather, when larger guns don't hide as well under lighter clothing.

Oh yeah...the price was nice, too.
