.357 revolver suggestions

Another suggestion.

As an alternative, albeit cheaper, to all these fine Smiths that people are parading around (making me drool) is the Taurus M85.

They are an inexpensive S&W clone. While people decry the quality, with the exception of a loose screw, (but that's another story) I have not had any problems with any of mine.

This is my carry snub: Taurus M85UL. An aluminum alloy framed .38spl +P, 5 shot. It weighs only 17oz and is suprisingly pleasent to shoot!!

Best advice here is to rent a few. Handguns are like running shoes. One size does not fit all.

I wouldn't worry too much about brand names either. Ruger, Smith and Colt all make fine, accurate revolvers that will last longer than you will.

Instead, focus on trigger pull. Do you like light and consistent? Light and stacking? Heavy? Each brand has it's own style. Each can be modified.

What about weight? Do you like the substantial feel of a heavy gun? Or do you prefer light and maneuverable? Again, Ruger has essentially two weights, S&W four and Colt has several, as well.

What about sight, fixed or adjustable? It can be helpful to have adjustable sights if you're switching between .38 and .357 a lot. Fixed are best for CCW.

Answer these questions and you'll know exactly what you want. Then invest in some training and spend a lot of time at the range. You'll have alot of fun and be shooting like a champ in no time.
My first handgun was a 6" stainless GP100, bought it used...thousands of rounds later I have it scoped for long range target and small game hunting, can't go wrong for the money.
Partial to S&W revolvers, own a few, current carry is a 2 1/2" stainless model 66 w/chopped hammer,McGivern gold bead front sight, and performance center action job.
Either a GP100 or a K frame Smith can be had used for a good price nowadays and either will serve you well, whichever points more naturally in your hand is the one you should start with...good luck and good shooting.
Ammo...in the GP100 I'm partial to Remington 110 SJHP for target aND SMALL GAME, Federal 200 Cast Core for deer size game...in the Smith 125JHP Cor Bon

thanks for all the replies everyone. I am still really not sure what im going to do but i am leaning toward the gp-100 as a friend of mine has one and i like the way it shoots. thanks for all the good advice