.357 Magnum


New member
I want to get a big bore revolver to hunt with, but it may take longer than hoped to gather the cash. I have a .357 now and I'd like to feel out the people here on the caliber's usefulness for hunting deer and wild boar.
If you can shoot the .357 in a six to ten inch barrel will kill the game you mentioned. If you can't shoot there is not much future in anything larger.
Well placed hits (aim to break the off-side shoulder) and heavy for caliber bullets of expanding (HP) design for deer, and wide flat nose design for piggies. If you want one bullet design for both, use the piggy loads. There are hotter, but Federal Premium Hunting 180s are easy to come by.

IF you are hunting from a stand, and willing to wait for the animal to present you with an archery-type broadside-to-quartering away angle, then a self defense style 125gr HP will be okay for deer.
I wouldn't mind hearing about what different kinds of game some you guys have actually taken with a .357.
I wouldn't mind hearing about what different kinds of game some you guys have actually taken with a .357.

Shot while trying to attack my patrol car, with a 4 in Model 28, 150 Grn LSWC


Ignor the rifle, the photo was staged, (long story) shot with the same revolver and ammo above. Will admit, the first shot bounced off his forehead.

Wow. A moose attack. I have heard they can get cranky. I think I would have soiled myself. Now, THAT'S a story for the grandkids.

Was the Bison a nuisance situation?

Thanks for that post.
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Was the Bison a nuisance situation?

Not really. Custer (SD) State Park has lots of wild bison. Every fall they auction off excess. I bought the sucker with the ideal of turning it loose in my back pasture and after a few days hunting it, but mainly for the meat. (They have lots of meat).


First off, it wasn't happy being loaded in the trailer. When I got it home my wife and granddaughter thought it was hungry so they decided to feed it.....it dern near tore my trailer apart.

I figured turning it loose was a bad ideal, I'd end up fixing fences for days.

So I decide to shoot it in the trailer to keep from having to repair fences.

I called my neighbor, the local taxidermy for advice on shooting it with out tearing up the future mount. So he comes over, tells me not to use the rifle but use a pistol.

OK, so I stick my Model 28 inside the trailer and promply bounce a bullet off his forehead. Now he's really mad. My so called taxidermy is rolling on the ground laughing.

I start to get the rifle and he says no, "draw an imaganary line from the base of the horn to the eye, then from the other horn to the eye, where the lines would cross is where I want to shoot. That worked.

I took the picture using my Remington Rolling Block in 44-90 Sharps BN, so I'd have a story for the grandkids. But turns out the real story is better then anything I could make up.
I guess over the years I've killed about 20 or more deer with a .357. Some, likely half or maybe 60% from a carbine. I've also killed possum, rabbits, a bunch of armadillo, one squirrel and a bunch of dogs and cats. The dogs and cats were feral, running loose killing wildlife and wild birds.
I'd like to hunt deer here in AZ and hogs in FL. I would try any varmmint here plus nuisance javelina if it's legal. My son's girlfriend has a problem with them coming right up to the house and believes they are responsible for a missing dog. I'll have to check with law enforcement on the legality issue.
it was done in the 30s and into the 60s. with the 357.

however they have created energy rules in some states. some have minimum barrel length.

the ultimate factor is how well can you shoot that gun and bullet combination?
Yep, I need to practice, but the law in AZ just says you have to use a centerfire handgun for deer. No other requirements.
Probably won't help you much but if you want a revolver caliber gun you could always go with a mare's leg .357 since I don't know too much about revolvers
Not really. Custer (SD) State Park has lots of wild bison. Every fall they auction off excess. I bought the sucker with the ideal of turning it loose in my back pasture and after a few days hunting it, but mainly for the meat. (They have lots of meat.

Great story Kraig.
I used to quail hunt a lot (back when we had quail in south Alabama) and I always carried a pistol for snakes, dillers, and other varmints. started off with a 22 then moved up to a .357 and finally a 44mag. I killed lots of deer with the latter two mostly the 44 but the .357 worked just fine when the right shot presented itself.