.357 magnum suggestions


New member
I'm looking for a good .357 for home defense that won't break the bank. I like the .357 magnum because it also can be loaded w/ .38 specials. This seems to be a great option for any female occupants of the home who may want to learn how to shoot or want some comfort and security when I'm away. I've read various posts here that seem to suggest that taurus revolvers are pretty much not worth wasting my money on, although there are a few who seem to like tuarus quite a bit. Any suggestions on various models/manufacturers would be greatly appreciated. Personally, I like the Ruger GP-100, but I'm afraid that it may be to big for female hands. If this is true, what are some other sugestions? Thanks in Advance.
A K-frame or L-frame Smith & Wesson

share the same grip frame. It will allow the most 'custom' fitting of any revolver extant. Anything from small, flat wood panels on up to the comparatively huge Jordan Trooper stocks from Pachmayr. You should be able to find one or more choices that will work well.
Good luck.:D
I'll second Victor's K or L frame and narrow it a tad......blue and used.

However, Of prime importance is that the shooter like the gun. Therefore, try as many as you can get your hands on. The better you like it, the more you will practice, the gooder you get and the safer you are.

Sam.........happy huntin
Welcome, meat, to TFL. I've had nothing but good luck with my Taurus revolvers. For political reasons a NEW S&W is out of the question. Soooo, that leaves a used one. You can get a good used one pretty reasonable. Ruger makes excellent revolvers in all shapes and sizes. Taurus is the VALUE champ however. IMO, Taurus makes a good, solid revolver at a reasonable price. Good Luck, J. Parker
Have you looked at a SP100? Ruger makes three in .357, and they have smaller grips. Or, you could get the squishy rubber grips from hogue for the GP100. Just a thought.

I'm also a fan of the Taurus product line, but have to give an edge to S&W when it comes to the quality of the action. I will admit though, I haven't pulled the trigger on a new revolver from either manufacturer in a few years.

I have a Smith 686 & had a Taurus 85. Both guns saw a trip back to the manufaturer. The Taurus had to go back after the initial range session, the Smith after about a year. Both were returned in good working order. Because I won't buy another new S&W product unless the agreement is repealed I can't say I would buy either again - but that is the only reason. My 686 will be inherited by a family member upon my demise, I'll not sell it unless I am completely down & out. My Taurus was sold when I needed a smaller, lighter gun for CCW & I sold it to a very close friend who still owns it to this day. (The money was put towards the purchase of my Colt Mustang).

So - go with either a nice new or used Taurus, or a used S&W. Don't be alarmed if either one needs a little adjustment after the purchase - both companies will stand behind their products.
Best Buy would be a Ruger GP-100/SP-101 or
the Security-Six, from the same firm.

Alternative selection would be a used Smith
& Wesson model 19/66 or 686. * I prefer adjustable
sight's; although they are not absolutely necessary on home defense firearms.

I would avoid at all cost weapons made by Taurus
International. These are considered "bargain basement" special's, and are just average rated
weapons. Beside's it's my understanding that their
"warranty repair" disclaimer really stink's!!!

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
My vote for a good 357 revolver, the Ruger KGP-141. You can find very good used ones for $250. They are strong as hell, and with the adjustable sites, it gives you wider range of loads to try. By the way I picked mine up in March , used but never fired for $269.
I'd go with a Taurus 617. You'll have seven round of 357 Magnum. I was quoted $380 for a titanium ultralight. Heavier modles are usually less expensive.
Ruger GP100, or if you want to save another $100 get a second hand Ruger Security Six. Strong as tanks and more accurate than most shooters.
Ala Dan; With all apologies and respect the statement that Taurus revolvers are "bargain basement specials" and "are just average rated weapons" is flat out malarkey.
I've had experience with at least eight or so over the years and only had a problem with one M605 that had a "burr" prohibiting the cylinder from turning. A little filing and I was good to go.
Presently, I have a M617 and a M415 that are absolute gems. I like Taurus revolvers and trust them entirely. Best Regards, J. Parker
I like S&W revolvers also (who doesn't). But when you buy a used one, use caution. I bought a used S&W mod 19-5 that felt nice and tight but it has light primer hits every cylinder. So used buyer beware.
I'd rather have a NEW Taurus anyday over a common used Smith&Wesson. Best, J. Parker
Hey, Mr. Parker my friend

Sorry for demoralizing the Tauri line of firearm's. I guess my opinion's were a
little on the strong side; and I do hereby
apologize for that. I probably had a flash
back to that old sorry Taurus model 82, that
was in my possession for about a week? It
was suppose to be the Taurus folk's answer
to a Smith & Wesson model 65, I think. I
must admit, the newer Taurus revolver's
do look mighty nice; however, I haven't
got up the nerve to lay out some hard
earn cash for one just yet!!! To be perfectly
honest, I don't see one in my future; but
one never knows what tommorrow may bring?
So, in closing I'd like to say to all
involved; it's your money, buy what you

Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
The Ruger GP-100 has been a great revolver for me. I have several female friends who have shot it and have no problems with it at all. If you shop around, the prices are very rwasonable too.
Like an earlier suggestion, if you find that the factory grip is a little too large, you can get a quality after market grip.
The GP-100 is tough as nails, accurate as all heck, and just a great all around revolver.
The other companies make quality .357 magnum revlovers as well, I'm just sharing with you my experience with the Ruger and how satisfied I am with it.

Actually, it's funny how that works. Once you get burned by a brand, type, or company that can really sour a person. Don't blame ya.
Had three Glock's...only one was satisfactory...will never have another. Are they good, sound pistol's? Well, yes. Will I ever get another? Nope.
From a fellow Sig enthusiast to another, Best Regards, J. Parker
I bought a used S&W mod 19-5 that felt nice and tight but it has light primer hits every cylinder. So used buyer beware.

5 will get you 10 that the previous owner did a kitchen table action job on that Smith by loosening the mainspring tension screw. To put it right all you need to do is take the grips off and screw the tension screw back down.
RAE; Thanks for the suggestion. The screw is tightened down all the way. Looks like a new mainspring is in order. Best, J. Parker
I'm on the pro-Taurus side. With the exception of the same problem J Parker had with the model 605, I've nothing but excellent service from ALL my Taurus'(4 revolvers and 1 pistol). I'm looking for another CCW now and it will probably be another Taurus. I would encourage anyone to at least look and consider a Taurus. I also love my Rugers and my Walther. AND, my Mossberg and Marlin, and....................!

Gawd, I becoming a gunaholic!