.32 Win Special Parent Cartridge?

your google-fu is weak, young grass hopper.

try googling .32 win special. click first result. answer is in the first sentence under history.
My favorite center fire rifle cartridge to this day. Wal-mart may have quit carrying it, but gander and dicks still have it. The hogs here in the swamp refer to it as, the divine voice :eek: When it speaks, meat hits the ground.
That is really bad advice. I picked up a 94 in 32 Special many years ago because the owner said it wouldn't kill anything. Bought it with about 7 or 8 boxes of assorted 30-30 ammo he was trying to use in it. But hey, put 32 Special in it and it was a killer!

And the parent cartridge is the 38-55.
That is really bad advice.

It's not meant to be great advice. More like life or death at close range.

Some of the prices I have seen on 32 ammo is disgusting compared to 30-30. I think Gander Mountain had it for $30 a box.
Kinda like the GI's putting 7.7 Jap in their Garand's if they were out of ammo or in a dire situation. It would fire, there would be a lot of pressure, but it's better than no ammo at all.
"For bonus point's tell me the parent cartridge of the .35 remington"

I believe the .35 Remington case was an entirely new design.
[QUOTEKinda like the GI's putting 7.7 Jap in their Garand's if they were out of ammo or in a dire situation. It would fire, there would be a lot of pressure, but it's better than no ammo at all.][/QUOTE]

More like shooting .270 in a 30-06. My uncle showed me that one many
years ago. He couldn't get in the military in WWII, so worked the family
farm. 30-06 ammo was not to be found---but there was 270. So he
shot 270 in the 30-06 to put meat on the table. Heck of a fireball and
accuracy was maybe 75 yards, but it beat throwing rocks. Still have that
old Springfield, and it didn't seem to harm it.
"Kinda like the GI's putting 7.7 Jap in their Garand's if they were out of ammo or in a dire situation. It would fire, there would be a lot of pressure, but it's better than no ammo at all."

Pressure would actually be low if the 7.7 round would chamber in the Garand. The Arisaka cartridge is slightly larger at the case head, so complete chambering can be iffy.

If the round does chamber, the bullet is .311, as opposed to the .308 diameter of the American round. .003 isn't that much.

What would really work to keep pressures low, though, is the fact that the Arisaka case is 5mm shorter than the .30-06 and the case at the shoulder is significantly smaller -- .429 for the Arisaka and .441 for the .30-06.

That extra space acts as an expansion chamber, helping keep peak chamber pressure low.
In case you guys were wondering why I asked, I was trying to win a contest to win a Knife, I lost. The "correct answer" was .38-55. Oh well. :P