303 enfield

Doing a little research last night with Jean Huon's book, and I found some interesting information on the .303...

First, the guilding metal jacket was adopted for use in 1910, but was used concurrently with cupro-nickel jackets and cupro-nickel washed steel jackets for what appears to be quite a few years. I guess they left their options open.

Secondly, and this is for you, Gyvel, Huon mentions that the .303 was developed based on a cartridge that had been developed by Col. Rubin. That was something I never knew.

Rubin was a prolific cartridge designer, and developed a series of small bore black and smokeless cartridges in the 1870s through the early 1900s, some of which were produced commercially in Europe.

Apparently the British took one of those cartridges as the starting point for the .303, but as I noted below, it's EXTREMELY unlikely that they ever discussed that fact with him.
Apparently the British took one of those cartridges as the starting point for the .303, but as I noted below, it's EXTREMELY unlikely that they ever discussed that fact with him.

If I recall the account I read, Rubin developed the original round ca. 1882. It is referred to as the ".303 Rubin" in various references, and a picture is included in Skennerton's book on Lee Enfields.

Whether the British Small Arms Committee consulted with Rubin regarding this round is somewhat obscure, but I would be willing to bet that it was tested by the Brits with his full knowledge and cooperation.

At any rate, the original .303 round was a black powder affair, later modified for use with the then-new smokeless Cordite. In 1888, it was cutting edge technology and gave good service for decades, much to the chagrin of its detractors, and will continue to do so for decades to come.

The .303, in addition, has probably killed more varieties of game than any other cartridge, and is still used as a military round in some third and fourth world countries today. Lee-Enfield rifles continued to be produced in .303 well into the 1980s in India, as well. (Mine is dated "1986.")

Furthermore, Lee bolt action rifles in .45-70 were officially adopted by both the U.S. Army and Navy as the Models 1882 and 1885 respectively, later followed by the 1895 Lee 6mm Navy straight pull rifle, many of which were on board the U.S.S. Maine when it was sunk in Havana Harbor in 1898.
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"Whether the British Small Arms Committee consulted with Rubin regarding this round is somewhat obscure, but I would be willing to bet that it was tested by the Brits with his full knowledge and cooperation."

As I said, I really wonder about that given his place in the Swiss military and the nature of the international accords in place at that time.

According to the various treaties that came out of the Congress of Vienna, the ONLY formal military contact Switzerland was allowed was with the Vatican regarding the Swiss guard. That's what led to the thriving Swiss arms industry. It wasn't until World War I and the after effects of that that the Swiss started actively going outside of those limitations.