300RUM putdown

A .243 or 6.5 CM will shoot 100+ yards... Jeez emcon5, some of us just get the old 300's out for gun. I shoot .338RUM & 338LM. I have a Bushmaster BA50. I am not going to limit myself to one caliber. Besides each plays a different role..

Here is a three shot group at 300 yards.

Close up... Center first, then left, then right.

So there is still plenty of uses for these "300 mondo magnums"
I don't limit myself either, got a couple of 243, couple of 270s, 30-06, 22-250, 257 weatherby,.50 Beowulf, etc. I shoot them all and enjoy doing so.
I've always been far more of a hunter than a target shooter. I've mostly hunted whitetails or varmints. Odds are, but for two shots, I've never "needed" more than a .243.

So what? I figure that if you have fun with Big Critters, go for it! I'm not recoil-sensitive, but I don't care for a Big Thump. Again, so what? What other folks enjoy is their business, not mine.

Purpose and preference, I reckon. :)

Heh. Back when I was a kid, I loaded my '06 with 80-grain pistol bullets and around 53 grains of 3031. Close to 4,000 ft/sec. I wonder what a .300 RUM could do? :D

You guys! You keep me dredging up memories from sixty years gone! :D
Cougar71 said:
Just defending my rifle is all,
It doesn't need defending. You are happy with it, that is ALL that matters.
Cougar71 said:
Evidently, according to you, I don't know what I am talking about so I will shut-up on this matter. Boss.
Unless you think the minute you paid for your rifle you magically became capable of taking 800 yard shots on game, then I wasn't talking about you.

CharlieDeltaJuliet said:
A .243 or 6.5 CM will shoot 100+ yards... Jeez emcon5, some of us just get the old 300's out for gun. I shoot .338RUM & 338LM. I have a Bushmaster BA50. I am not going to limit myself to one caliber. Besides each plays a different role..
Agreed, I am not saying anything at all is wrong with any magnum cartridge. Just saying the only threads I remember "putting down" the 300 mags were not doing any such thing. They all had one thing in common, someone wanting to get in to LR target shooting, and asking which monster magnum round he should get.

Experienced LR shooters generally answer "none of them". There are several solid LR options for target shooting that do as well, or nearly so, to the various .30 magnums with less blast, less powder, less recoil and longer barrel life.

CharlieDeltaJuliet said:
So there is still plenty of uses for these "300 mondo magnums"
Of course there are. I was referring specifically to the dimwits who watch a YouTube video of some assclown shoot an elk at 800 yards, and think that all they need to do the same is buy a 300 or 338RUM.

Shooting 800 yards on a flat surveyed range is not that difficult.

Elk are rarely at exactly 800 yards, and the bullet drops about a foot per 25 yards at that range. When you get the range wrong, and you will, you will miss or have a cripple. When you get the wind call wrong, and you will, you will miss or have a cripple.

Generally speaking, if you think taking such a shot is a good idea, you probably have no business even trying it.

The greater point of this is "Who cares"? The OP has a 300 RUM that his is happy with. Good for him. Why should he give a crap what some random people on the internet think?
I am happy with it. I shoot out 800 with some regularity, but I know my limitations. It may be unneccesary to change loads in my rum for elk and mule deer at distances out to 800yds, I dont know. I just want all the power its capable of giving me on large animals at those distances. Like Art, Im a hunter more than a shooter so that's a area I will defer to your expertise.

As far as the put down , it was not just this forum, but a take away from several different places I visit. All I was doing really was praising the caliber in light of so many criticisms.
The expertise part was in no way meant to be sarcastic or a veiled backhand slap to you sir, I really don't know! You seem knowledgeable about these things so I would take any advice you would care to share on this matter. Right now, I wouldn't take over a 800 yard shot at any animal, Im not comfortable doing it. With ANY caliber!
The 300 RUM is an interesting animal.

Within a few specific applications I would recommend one, but it falls in that area where it isn't that much better than the 300 Win Mag, and can't handle the heavier bullets of the 338 Lapua or 338 RUM.

So if someone wanted a legit 1600 meter (one mile) round in a custom rifle, but didn't want a 338, then the 300 RUM or 30-378 WBY would be the way to go.

Other than that, the 300 RUM just doesn't offer too much over more established, cheaper to shoot, cartridges.

I agree with your assessment of the rum and the 30-378 but will add, its not the only calibers to be labeled as "tweeners". Every niche has been filled that I can see. I dont know what the next wildcat will be, if there will be one!
The argument will always be the same with different names. 30-30 Is all you'll ever need. No, .308Win is all youll ever need. 30-06, 300 Norma, 300, Win. etc etc etc. Basically, if you have something bigger than the person you are discussing it with then its "overkill.":rolleyes: