.300 Savage compared to .308 Win

Actually, my post shows that I did get some ammo and components OFF THE SHELF and I did do some shooting. It took about $100 worth of ammo and components to get these results and I reported them here for your information. You are welcome.

The results show that the .308 and the .300 Sav are, with certain bullets, fairly close in performance. I think 2697 fps with a 160-gr bullet shows that. It would be a fine game load.

The value of being able to load a cartridge to nearly equal another in this case is that the performance of a fine Model 99 Savage could be maximized for hunting. I think that is what the OP is looking for.
Here it comes again. "With certain bullets". You can load the bejesus out of the 7x57, but the original round simply was not loaded that way. Sounded like a simple straight question to me. The .308 has more umph than the .300. I have .300 Savages, and would take them over a .308 any day.
As for the 99, I'm of the opinion that it is simply the finest lever action ever made, and perhaps the finest American rifle ever made.

I agree but I'm partial to the Savage 99.
I've not found any other rifle that balanced so well with a natural swing and follow through then the Savage 99, especially when making running shots on game.
I've killed a lot of Missouri deer with a 99 in 300 Savage caliber, most were running shots.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter

My Model 81 Rem looks to have a reasonably strong front lockup.It also has really old springs,and its recoil operated.I have enough 30-06 rifles ,plus a 308,I do not feel a need to push it.
Besides,I have no desire to scope the 81.I don't need 300 yd ballistics with 150 yd eyes,more or less.

Gunplummer,I'm not sure I understand your point.(My fault)

I see value in McShooty's info.That 160 gr bullet might work great.Some of the new powders can give more velocity without raising peak pressure.They do it by having a longer pressure curve...more acceleration time at peak pressure,almost like a mix of fast and slow powder.

I have a Garand,a Springfield,and a Mauser 30-06.I made a simple rule for myself.Everything 30-06 that I load with a match bullet,I load to Garand spec.(like 4895 at around 2600)

If I load hunting bullets,I load 4350 for the bolt guns...book near max,I get about 2900.

I don't really pay much attention to factory loads,I don't buy them.I buy new brass and load it.

Old cartridges have been loaded in old and modern rifles.45-70 for a trapdoor ,Marlin 1895,or Ruger?7x57 for a Rolling Block?93 Mauser?Mark 10 98? 30-40 Krag for a Krag?or Ruger #3? I would not define the .257 Roberts with the 117 gr round nose limp factory load.I would not define the 7x57 with the typical 175 gr round nose load .For many years,that was pretty much all that was available.Now there are light mags,etc.Nothing wrong with entering prudent handloads into the picture.Key is considering the rifle you are working with.

Beauty of handloading!
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300 savage Remington Corloc 150gr have given very consistant Cronograph readings. Out of two 24" model 99's I have. Ammo from the 50's ran 2641fps average in both. Ammo from the 90's shot 2641fps average. Consitant Barrels from Savage and Consistant Ammo from Remington. My 22" Remington 700 in 308 shoots 150gr bullets with the best powder choices Like Varget at 2800fps. W748 can improve on that velocity According to the 308 reloading data and has been reported by some reliable sources in the 2950fps. 160fps to 310fps increase out of the 308 case. Here is what I found for Reloading both the 308 and 300 savage with Varget. The 24" 300 with a 150gr #3031 Hornady can be loaded to 42gr and I get 2600fps. The 308 with 47gr Varget and the #3031 Hornady I get 2800fps. A straight 200fps gain out of the 22" 308.
Murray's book and lever boss date codes Savage 99

I recently acquired an Savage 99 EG sr# 7164xx, date code E (1953) in 300 Savage.
I have Mr. Murray's book. "The Ninety-Nine" and can find no mention of the "lever boss date codes". Am I overlooking them in his book or they not included?
Thanks, virrob
I've always urged people to use SAAMI's info when comparing cartridge A to cartridge B. They use test barrels and pressure instrumentation based on tightly controlled standards. All sorts of people shooting all sorts of rifles with all sorts of ammo for a given cartridge will have measured velocity and mostly assumed pressure data all over the place; that skews any realistic and valid comparison.


Test barrel specs are listed starting on page 135 in:


...which is the ANSI/SAAMI Z299.4 document referenced in the velocity and pressure document for center fire rifles.
From the practicality stand point. Many fellow hunters I knew back in the day (50s & 60s) preferred a lever.
Unlike what most carry afield these days. Bolts & semi-auto's were taboo too heavy. Pumps were noisy. Most everyone was on the scout for something more powerful but it had to be (not) any heavier in weight than a 30-30 or 32 Special lever.
In the early Savage calibers. 250-3000th were nice having only one problem to deal with (deflection) and still is considered by many as a preferred open country shooter. 303 Savage was nice too but not all that much different than a 30-30 or 32 special in its performance. 300 Savage on the other hand was the "hunters dream rifle."

When you compare a 308 to a 300 Savage. There's (is) a difference on paper. But in the field. I actually prefer a 300 Savage over the 308. I don't know why. I just do. Probably because whatever (size) deer I shot with mine I found it fairly quick and seldom out of my eye sight.

Then again over the years I've helped quite a few fellers track their wounded deer being shot by the infamous 06 or that spectacular 308. There deer where seldom found close. One I recall. 3 miles it traveled with a 06 hit a shade too far back on the rib cage. A killing shot just trickling dark blood here & there on the frozen ground.
Upon the animals field dressing and cavity inspection we found the 30-06 bullet had barley scratched the animals liver and it appeared not much bullet expansion took place. The animal basically ran out of blood in it's trying to evade (this) seasoned tracker. Sad but true.

Using a 150 grain bullet how comparable is the performance to the .308? The 99 has a 24" barrel so I expect approx 2600 to 2650 fps. Realistic?

How's 2800-fps sound. With its home-reloading it can be achieved. And that speed is comparable to a middle of the road velocity 308 in 150 gr weight.

For many years I've topped my 300 brass with jacketed Winy Silver Tip 170-gr F.Ps. Simply a 30-30 bullet. The upgrade sure does drop a (heavy) hammer on its intended victim.

If you're a hand loader. 300 Savage with its shorter case neck can often infuriate its reloader at times. Head space is critical. Kind'da finicky about its powder. And too many resizing with a SB Resizer can often increase the chances of a case separation on the old 300. But~~ once you learn to deal with the cartridges short comings. You'll come to understand why so many fellow 300 shooters just love their little easy carry Savage Buck Buster.:)