30 government 06

As we age a lot of us experience Presbyopia, it's a normal part of aging for many of us. It means that you have a hard time focusing on close up things like book print, so we require reading glasses and that usually takes care of it. You can't wear reading glasses while not looking at close up items because they cause faraway vision to be blurry. However many people that have this condition can still see fine on distant items without regular distance glasses. The problem with Presbyopia and using regular iron sights is without the reading glasses you can't see the rear sight on the barrel very well and with them on you cant focus on distant items like game. So a scope works well for those people. With a rear peep sight the eye looks thru it and only has to see the front sight and the distant target.

You beat me to the punch by about five minutes.

Sure Shot,

Please Google Presbyopia and you will see why aging eyes cannot properly see the iron sights and the target at the same time. Many of us "geezers" truly need optical sights.
Nice grab on that m54!

My LGS has one in his shop, 30GOVT06, second year rifle if I recall and in VGC. I have been pining over that rifle awhile now, just haven't been able to make it happen yet..
A lot of guys say their eyes are real bad and they need a scope. will the scope correct the vision problem if it is that bad?

Some scopes have adjustable diopters so it would make using that kind of scope better but i'm not sure how much better.

For years high end cameras had similar so you didn't have to wear glasses with them unless you wanted.
The problem with scopes is that they tend to get in the way of stripper-clips. And that rifle, if I'm not mistaken, has a slot cut into the receiver for stripper clips. If you look closely at the second picture of that rifle, it can just barely be seen,or else my eyes are playing tricks on me. That's a great rifle. I would never put a scope on it.
Yeah, the Winchester model 54 receivers were milled for stripper clips with the exception of the 30-30 which had a different receiver without the stripper clip milling.
No, I'm not tempted to try and scope this one, I like it fine the way it is. I have a Colt Coltsman bolt action rifle made around 1958-ish in 30-06 that's scoped with a Weaver K-2.5 when I feel the need to enter the modern world:)
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Slightly off topic but related to "classic '06" topic...
about 10 years ago I had the opportunity to purchase what appeared to be a pristine Sedgley 30 06 for $800.00. I have regretted not buying it, but at the time I didn't know every little nuance to assure 100% originality. I should have bought it anyway, since it almost certainly have still been a bargain at $800.00 even if it weren't 100%. Oh well, not my first, or last likely, bad decision.
Sedgley did some "re-heat treating" of low number Springfields.
Probably not very effective, Slamfire would be tearing out his hair.
No Jim, my son in law is a physical therapist and has an office in town. Yeah, my daughter tells me the same thing, they love it though. They make it to Fairbanks every once in a while for shopping. She was raised in Montana and likes the cooler weather.
I guess she's suited for it if she calls 60 below "cooler weather" :eek::D
When you where searching for that sight did you notice any lyman 48's?
I believe that was the factory receiver sight on my m70.
Also did you have to cut out a relief in the stock?
I'm not sure what model Winchester supplied as optional equipment on the model 70's but I think the Lyman 48 was a real early Lyman sight and the first models of this sight required wood to be removed from the stock of the Winchester Model 54's stock, but not with later models of that sight. I'm sure someone here with more knowledge than me could fill you in. Mine is a Redfield model 80 WH and no wood had to be removed.
Love the peep!

I just added an AR to the herd and of course started shopping optics.....in the meantime I put a removable carry handle on it. I'm gonna leave it that way....I really like that peep, and had forgotten what a great sight they are.

I enjoyed the explanation about old eyes....works for me!