3 Glocks or more

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Since my wife cannot get access to this forum, I own:

17 and 17L (both smooth grip models), 19, 20 (w/ 6" extra Glock barrel), 21 X 2, 22, 23, 27 and a 30.

All of those have Trijicon night sights. All are box stock. All have plenty of hi-caps (I saw the coming famine). I am a Glock Armorer and attended the Glock Instructor Workshop.
G22-G23-G31. Daniel Watters-Who installed your Meprolights? Double Tap- Do you use stock or aftermarket recoil springs? Thanks.
Four. Two G17s, two G26s. The nine is nifty!

For now anyway. Who knows how long these will last? :)

A guy on Glock-L said he had fourteen!

To Tom B: The Meprolights were factory installed.

To Mike O: I thought you were on a HK USP kick. When did you switch back to Glocks? Not that it matters really, you'll change your mind again before May. ;)

What model from a major manufacturer _haven't_ you owned/carried? It has got to be a shorter list than what you _have_ owned/carried. :D

[This message has been edited by Daniel Watters (edited March 09, 1999).]
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