3 Day Suspension From eBay For Listing A Blank Pistol


New member
I found an old ROHM, .22 cal blank pistol in a drawer I was cleaning out. I listed it on eBay, since I had no use for it. Seems I violated their firearm policy, and it resulted in a 3 day suspension. How I did this is beyond me; but I will pass it along. Not worth listing a blank firing pistol. I honestly thought I was within the guidelines; and I was spot on with the description: The pistol has no barrel , no bore, since it fires blanks vertically through the top. The magazine bar slides in horizontally and moves from front to back as the blanks are fired. The pistol CANNOT be altered to fire live ammunition ( no barrel or bore ). If you check eBay, you will find a half dozen or more blank firing pistols. Why I was singled out, I do not know. Still, that ended my ever considering listing another. Jim
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If it makes any difference, there are more than 2 dozen "Starter Pistols" listed for sale on ebay right now. Is that what you really meant to sell?
Probably because of your description. There are currently 30 of 'em on eBay right now. Pretty sure they have some algorithm that flags certain key words and phrases. I once got an ad for a ProMag Archangel stock for a 10/22 Charger rejected due to the description mentioning that the stock fixtures have a modular design like an AR. Yup - AR got it flagged.

Stupid humans thinking that human coders can make fake AI.
I've been downsizing; and anything I dig up, that I do not intend to use, I list on eBay. I'm sorry I ever came across the blank pistol. I just listed a lot of warm weather backpacking equipment. ALICE pack - Jungle hammock - multi fuel stove - PUR water purifier - ONTARIO machete - extra mosquito netting - military poncho - military collapsible canteen - folding binoculars - stainless cookware. Everything has been sitting in storage; and in like new condition. I'll post the eBay item number incase you know someone who may be interested. I made trips to Central America ( Maya Mountains ); but I damaged some cervical discs, and can no longer haul a fully loaded backpack. And to be truthful, I am not as comfortable leaving the states as I once was. This is it: (123009285062) It may not come up until my 3 day suspension is over. This is the title of the listing: GREAT DEAL ON BACKPACKING EQUIPMENT. Actually, the only item I used was the ALICE pack. Everything else was purchased for a following trip, that I never made. Last time, I was in Belize, and ended up a few miles into Guatemala; and was escorted back to the border by Guatemalan military. Unnerving, cause that could have gone south. I get back to the states ( New Orleans - port of entry ), and was detained for having a load of Cuban cigars. Who knew there were cigar sniffing dogs? Must have been 200 feet of luggage, and the dog hit on mine. Out comes the dog, and he nails me in 20 or 30 seconds. Until then, I really liked Beagles. I was released, but they kept my cigars. Told me, they had to be destroyed. I said right, one at a time at the White House. Sorry, I got on a roll; but still a good ( and true ) story.
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Their PC policy really sickens me. I've been selling since March 1998 when you could actually list any firearms you wanted to. Now you'll be suspended for selling a sharpened pencil!!
Their PC policy really sickens me. I've been selling since March 1998 when you could actually list any firearms you wanted to. Now you'll be suspended for selling a sharpened pencil!!
I remember when you could buy pistols through the mail from Herters Sportinng Goods. Anyone remember Herters? The old Herter's catalogue was bigger than the giant old Sears catalogue.
yet they allow racest,anti jew, dirty picture items ect. I quit e-bay years ago when the required you to use paypal. they truly suck.
I remember when you could buy pistols through the mail from Herters Sportinng Goods. Anyone remember Herters? The old Herter's catalogue was bigger than the giant old Sears catalogue.
Yup! Sure do remember Herter's. Everything they sold they "claimed was the best there ever was". We had a Herter's store in Eau Claire, WI at one time. Main store was in Waseca, MN:

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I can only see a little corner of your pic. Too much of a good thing.

But yes,I remember browsing the Herters Catalogue.

Before the internet,browsing catalogues was a form of entertainment.

And Herters New Model Perfect catalogue with super Sonic Wasp Waist Bullets and all things Hudson Bay (Eh?) was a good one.
I do quite a bit on eBay primarily because it allows me to get rid of stuff I don't want. However, they are "faceless" when you have a problem. That said, someone probably turned you in - maybe due to your description or maybe due to their "leanings" - after all . . . you know "guns are dangerous".

On the other hand - I bought 10 antique Winchester primer packets from a seller a year ago - nothing mentioned about the primers and one would assume they were empty - wrong - when I got the primer packets, all were full. Total of 1K of the old shotgun primers for brass shells - shipped through the mail in a padded envelope. A couple of years ago, I bought an original "flask head" powder horn from a seller on there - shipped by Priority Mail - when it arrived - yep - it was full of 3F that was as old as the horn. Sometimes you just can't figure it out . . . .
Facebook marketplace is the same way. I've tried to sell holsters there that was removed. I appealed it, and got no where. Their policy is "no weapons." In the appeal I asked how two pieces of leather stitched together was a weapon... stupid Facebook.
eBay is very unfriendly to us gun lovers it's too bad

Maybe if they realized how many of us gun enthusiasts they are missing out on they would widen up