2nd gun, or stuff for first gun?

I will tell the truth: Buy another gun.

Revolvers are better in too many ways to list. 22's are way cheaper for practice and easier to shoot. Large framed semiautomatics are easier to practice with and easier to shoot well. Larger calibers make bigger holes in people and things. Smaller semiautomatics are easier to carry.

I could go on and on until this was a solid wall of text. If you like guns, buy more guns. Duh.
Small guns are hard to handle at first and need lots of practice . Up to you but no need to buy a bunch of stuff , get a simple holster and couple extra mags. Shield is easier to shoot at least to me than a snub nose revolver . You will have numb fingers after shooting several rounds with a small frame .38spl Snub nose especially a .357. I had a old S&W Mod 36 few years ago ,would like to have a newer model J frame or Ruger
The reason I say this is that if you ever do need to use your gun defensively, the police will take it, and keep it until the investigation, and case, if there is one is completely settled.

That's why I have 3 Kahr CW9's... Dallas Police have one of them at the moment. Once I realized, in the event of a shooting my piece would be surrendered, I quit carrying my nice guns and started carrying something that was replaceable.
Buy another gun. At least with the revolver you can practice dry firing SA and DA if it leaves you without money to buy ammo for it. Regardless shoot your CCW consistently so that you become proficient. Shooting is a skill that diminishes rapidly.
If your main intention on getting a revo is for home defense, get a nice 4" K frame. Much easier to handle than a J frame, and it holds 6 versus 5 rounds for a little more firepower. For me, and I think most others, it takes a pretty fair amount of practice to become proficient with a snubby, but a nice Model 15, or the stainless version Model 67 is a very nice well balanced gun that will be much easier and way more enjoyable to use.
I would spend the money on being proficient with the CC gun. ammo and a couple of good holsters to start followed by range time and training.

2nd gun comes after you’ve had a chance to evaluate the shield and then make a rational not emotional choice.

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I think you should hold off on getting the snubby until you get some range time in with your Shield. Trust me on this--you could very easily end up buying three or more holsters before you find just the right one for you. That's going to cost a few bucks right there. You're probly gonna want another magazine or two--more money. And then--you really should practice as much as you can with that Shield until you get very familiar with it--more money. Try at least three or four different types of self defense ammo until you find the one that's right for you and your gun. Learning a new gun's ins and outs can take a few trips to the range and cost you more than you think. Focus on the Shield and get the snubby on down the road a bit. They're a different breed of gun than your Shield, and you're going to want to do the same thing with it as the Shield--find the right holster, try out different ammo, spend time learning how to shoot it well, etc.
Either hold off on the second gun and buy more ammo and range time...or buy a .22 handgun and use that to practice with.

Small conceal carry guns are hard for a lot of us to shoot, and having a .22 will let you concentrate on skills like trigger control without experiencing recoil.
Might as well buy the J-Frame. Sounds like that's really what you'd like to do. I would, and have;) No justification or anybody's opinion needed to validate my gun buying decisions.....ymmv
I have a few toys. ;)

I found that I was most accurate in my shooting was when I shot exclusively with my beater 5946. I got to the point where I was shooting less than 1¨ groupings of 5 shots off-hand at 10 yards. However, I was also shooting 3x a week.

Stay with the gun you have. Get a few accessories. Get a lot of ammo and shoot, shoot, shoot. At some point, you will get good and bored. Get a revolver, then,
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