2nd Amendment according to my Political Science book.


Oh yes, the Bill of Rights is a death pact, it is the only document on earth that acknowledges one's own personal sovereinty.

Anyone or any Body that would minimize, weaken or trivialize it is a tyrant. Honest people have nothing to fear from the Bill of Rights, only those seeking to control fear it.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

In answer to your hypothetical...

1) They do it routinely these days : e.g "He y Saddam, straighten up or will are gonna bomb you in 2 weeks"...meanwhile Dan Rather tell us the troop activations here in the states, your local news focuses on a particular local unit being sent over, we see the aircraft carrier "Blueballs" steaming out of Norfolk.

2) Libel, slander, sedition, espionage, treason.....those all regulate the actions of free speech. I see no reason to restrict the right of free speech. You see, I covered your attempt to subvert free speech. ;)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
As one of the old farts I certainly can identify with the attitude you describe. Seems like I've had it for a long time.

As someone who swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic I am am concerned with how it has been mangled to suit special interests.

Yes I have an absolute right to keep and bear arms. I also have an incumbent duty to do it responsibly. I dont care if it annoys anybody. Nobody has a Constitutional right to be unannoyed.

As far as the press blabbing military information-we know they do it because they perceive themselves as citizens of the world far above this petty Americanism.

The world doesnt protect their rights.The USA does and they should respect that fact and act in the best interests of this country.
Bernard Shaw are you listening?

Better days to be,


It also depends on whether the US government is following the Constitution in your scenario. If Congress has declared war as provided for in the Constitution then giving aid and comfort to the enemy as outlined in your scenario is treason and can be prosecuted as such. After the people involved in broadcasting this are executed for treason, perhaps the rest of the media would find the desire to report things in a manner consistent with good sense. If not, after being found guilty of treason by 12 of their peers, they could be executed also.

However, if the US government persists in conducting warfare outside the parameters of the Constitution as it has for fifty four years now, then this option is not available to the government.

As far as free speech goes there is a very big difference from saying, "This is what I believe..." and saying "Do this or that..." or "the 501st battalion is located at...".

Your right to free speech is limited by the same parameters as your right to swing your fist,i.e, when it intersects my nose.

Oh, it was a federal judge who made the statement about the "suicide pact", I believe.
Some things have improved in the States since Pax Americana (i.e. anti-semitism has become a non-issue) Some have stayed the same. Others have gotten much worse.

Pity those old farts one poster mentioned don't plan on taking Treasury agents along for the ride when checking out...dismantling IRS from within?

See http://ddb.com/RKBA/fed/s_irs.jpg

[This message has been edited by cornered rat (edited 01-30-99).]
Spartacus made an excellent point about the expansion of 'felonies'. Unfortunately, as we all know, with the introduction of the 'domestic violence' language, we've now moved into misdemeanor territory. Perhaps someday we'll be unable to possess a gun due to a littering conviction. ;)

It is a consistent fact that our representatives are much more interested in adding new laws (usually 'well-intentioned', and prohibiting something), than in trimming out useless / foolish laws. Indeed, it does create the superficial fiction of making 'everyone' a criminal. And, if you're the real criminal (Bill, are you out there?), you simply say 'well, everyone does it' or 'it's only a little felony'.

We need fewer, important laws. And, stay true to the intent. Watching the Supreme Court is sometimes like the old 'round robin' stories at parties. Whisper a story to your neighbor, and by the time it completes the circle, the story sounds little like the original.

What part of 'shall not be infringed' don't they understand?

BTW, just out of curiousity I tried http://www.oldfarts.com/ . Apparently it's a car club, but I couldn't get it to come up! ;)


[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited 01-24-99).]
A minor clarification regarding the National Guard vs the "other" Military: The Guard belongs to the Governor of the State, is headed by the Governor's political appointee, and receives some federal support IAW 10USC. To bring Guard on active duty requires a "federalization" process which moves thier funding and control to the auspices of 20USC, as are all the active & reserve components of DoD.
Do any of you remember the comment by Gephardt (I think) a few months back:

It was prior to the Congressional impeachment hearings, and it had been decided to go thru with it. As a means of protesting that said hearings would preclude more important duties, he stated that this Congress was a failure, "having made fewer laws than any other Congress in 60 years".

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
That is telling. Who was it who said 'No man's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session'? I've always thought there is little wrong with gridlock in government ... but, I repeat myself. ;)
Wow! Can't believe all of the responses. You guys all sound like a bunch of radical, gun-toting activists :)

Well I found this little passage in a different part of the book. You guys should have fun with this one.

The 2nd Amendment is widely misunderstood. It was added to the Constitution to protect the right of each State to keep a militia. Its aim was to preserve the concept of the citizen-soldier. It does not guarantee a right to keep and bear arms free from restriction by government.

So I guess we all misunderstand the 2nd Amendment huh? This is what they are teaching us. This hasn't come up in class yet and I doubt it ever will but if it does got any suggestions?


Supreme Court Justice Antonio Scalia has written a book of which a part addresses the Second Amendment. He does not accept the view put forth by your textbook. The vast majority of the the most respected peer-reviewed law journals do no accept that view.
Even many of the most respected liberal constitutional lawyers do not accept the view espoused by your textbook. This is a bellweather...a fundamental indicator...of a person's belief system. It indicates an enemy of liberty. The person may an unwitting dupe but an enemy of liberty none the less.

"They want to be good masters...but they mean to be masters. The want to be good rulers...but they mean to rule."

Senator Daniel Webster
Go to my website and check the links on 2nd Amendment...esp. "The Embarassing 2nd Amendment" written by a renown Constitutional scholar and Liberal, Sanford Levinson

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Here's a couple of un-fun ways to raise your blood-pressure, get good and pissed-off, and then be bitter at the world and even snappy at you own spouse: 1) Read every anti-gun article you see, hang on every word spoken on the news against guns, and visit every anti-gun website you can find. 2) Waste hours and hours AND FREAKIN' HOURS sending e-mails and snail-mail letters to newspaper ediots, television news mediots and posionous pinheads like HCI. You'll just get mad with #1, and life is too short for that. With #2, you're wasting all of that time and compassion on sick little minds set into the concrete of Fascism. A better way: Focus on getting ProGun candidates into office. Set a great, positive example of just who gun-owners are and how they behave. Leave the damn "One Shot One Kill" type T-shirt in the closet or wear it as a jammy-top. Look like a blood-thirsty nut and you hurt us all. And enjoy life. All the while, though, in case the bastards we elect turn on us as they are trying to do now, play it safe and buy loads of guns and ammunition. This is the language that the tyrant respects. And if the time comes, if they have subverted our Constitution to the point where they are no longer the government as outlined therein - then remember a quote from Bart Simpson as he led the Springfield kids on a mission to recapture their towns' beloved lemon tree: "We'll choke their rivers with our dead!" It's guns combined with the American Spirit that has Feinstein and Schumer poopin' their pants, folks. They don't HATE our guns or us. That's FEAR in their vertical-slitted reptillian eyes!

[This message has been edited by Herr Glockner (edited 02-05-99).]
I work in law enforcement. One of the ladies in the records division commented to me she believed that only the police and military should have guns. After determining she really meant what she said, I answered back, "Good. Keep voting that way and soon we can have anything we want from you and you won't be able to do a thing about it."
She was thunderstruck. "But, but, I trust you."
I asked her, "Why?" She didn't have an answer.

Bruce Stanton
Mr. Stanton,

Thanks for the post. Hearing from LEO's with messages like yours renews my sometimes flagging faith in police. It's good to hear from you.
The fact that Officer Stanton and I are trying to get across is that the majority of Rasnk and File Street Cops are for the Second Amendment, because we see what the Goverment and the Brass are wanting to do in the name of crime control.
They want the old "Writs of Assistance" back they don't care if the people or the Street Cops are safe. They would get rid of all of us in a heart beat to place some brainwashed fools in our place so they can have a nice ordered America where the elite have nothing to worry about, and the hell with the Serfs.
Hmmm - Mr. Stanton, Mr. VanDerLinden, Rob and all of the other fine, RKBA-faithful LEO's we have in attendance - if the Scot's can clone Dolly, do you think we could combine your DNA and attempt the same thing for law enforcement? :) I'll second Spartacus' appreciation - Mr. Stanton, I love that comeback. I'll bet the kind lady just hated her history classes - such a waste of time they were ... ;)
She wasn't very happy. She realized that "anything" could mean "everything" and she was chagrined to realize that little stands between her and savagery. Just the goodwill of warriors who take their oaths of office seriously.

Bruce Stanton