28 nosler: a magical cartridge design?

lol someone touched a sore spot with the old Mauser. .. yes I read your lame post, and yes it's A Lazzeroni, lol, and he did allow his reamer to be used, but you know more than most so, back to the OP, what are you contributing besides some story about a gun smith that lives down the street?... if we are sticking to the OP? just a thought, like I said before, which you didn't read because you were getting some custom specs on done 550 gun. are we measuring up now? ... show me yours I'll show you mine. .. [emoji12] still laughing.

so I believe that the Nosler 26 or 28 is. .. blah. they're are better rounds out there. they use powder that we can't get our hands on yet. ..
If that's what you got out of my post, then you're clearly not reading everything. That, or you have a reading comprehension problem. (If so, I can offer some help.)

The point of my post was not about the 550 RNS Magnum. Nor was it a contest of manhood. That should have been obvious, if you had done more than skim through the post.

The real point of the post is that you take your chances with any gunsmith, just as much as with a mass-produced rifle.
But, the Nosler rifles are GUARANTEED to meet the advertised requirements, and are individually tested before shipping.

Buying a Nosler rifle for one of their cartridges is not a "roll of the dice" like some other options would be. Rather, the fact that the rifles are evaluated before leaving the factory increases the chances of any defects being found; and their accuracy and quality guarantees mean that if you DO find/have a problem, you can ship the rifle back for immediate repair.

If you're not going to actually read the posts that you're responding to... Then please go away. ;)
Alright waveslayer, frankenmauser, you two should resolve your personal grievances with each other elsewhere. The original post is not an inquiry as to anyone's opinion of the .28 Nosler, the Nosler company, gunsmiths, the modern long range hunter, the good old days, lazzeroni, the reading and comprehending abilities of other forum members, or any other such thing. I don't care what people think of the round and I myself am neither for nor against it...it's purely curiosity as to whether or not Nosler hit the perfect case size for 7mm, beyond which returns are diminishing and even inferior in a hunting length barrel.
The answer to that is pure and simple....

Yes... They did... But the only reason its better than the STW is because its shorter.... Its not just about the capacity, its about how the case makes use of the powder.... Efficiency...

And that is what the Nosler case is.... Efficient.

You can love it or hate it for any of a number of reasons.... But nobody can change that fact, because it is just that, a fact.

But..... Even the mighty 28 Nosler doesn't really extend the range as much as one might think....a 280 Ackley, 7mm Rem Mag, or 7mm WSM will all get it done on deer size game out to 800 yards...

The 28 Nosler will extend that to 1,000 yards... Heck even the 7mm Allen Mag (7mm/338 Lapua) is only a 1,000 yard hunting round (Kirby's own words)...

You just can't push pressure through 7mm hole with enough volume to do any better.... If you want more than the 28 Nosler can do, you'll have to wait for the 30 and 33....
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Alright waveslayer, frankenmauser, you two should resolve your personal grievances with each other elsewhere. The original post is not an inquiry as to anyone's opinion of the .28 Nosler, the Nosler company, gunsmiths, the modern long range hunter, the good old days, lazzeroni, the reading and comprehending abilities of other forum members, or any other such thing. I don't care what people think of the round and I myself am neither for nor against it...it's purely curiosity as to whether or not Nosler hit the perfect case size for 7mm, beyond which returns are diminishing and even inferior in a hunting length barrel.
it all depends on what you want in a hunting round, most guys don't shoot their hunting rifles often enough to burn out the barrel quickly. if you reload then you will burn out a barrel faster then the average Joe... I only brought up the Warbird as an example of other rounds that are already around that perform better, that's all.

did they hit the nail on the head? ... I guess to some degree by making a magnum cartridge commercial?...
Yet another answer to an unasked question. If the manufacturers don't come out with "new" stuff regularly they(mostly the marketing types) think they'll lose market share.
"...the perfect case size for 7mm..." That was done with the 7mm Mauser in 1892. Case size doesn't make that much difference.
There's a lot of science and hard data that says otherwise..
not necessarily, but to a degree, look at the performance of a 6.5 Grendel, small case size but does very well compared to a .308, not exact apples to apples but using case size and performance as an example, the Grendel seems to perform very well with a small case....
I've shot more whitetailed deer with my Ithaca Model 37 DeerSlayer 12 gage than with all my rifles combined.
But with a rifle, I prefer a 280 remington over my 7mm RM or my 7mm-08Rem, or my 25-06 or 30-06, 308, 243, 6mmRem, and many others.
Latest whiz-band means nothing, stalking within acceptable range and proper placement of projectile means everything.
And If I were to want or need knock-down power for that 30-point buck, I would use one of my 50BMG target rifles (which I don't consider sporting in general hunting terms).

YMMV. :rolleyes: