270 Winchester?

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Grandpa killed many deer and elk with a .270 Remington pump. 130 grain bullets were his choice. Never had one get away.

It's all about shot placement.
It depends on the bullet. I'm sure there are some .270 bullets tat aren't fit for deer hunting. But with the appropriate bullets a .270 cartridge will kill Bambi all day long.
It depends on the bullet.

With the introduction of the 6.8 SPC, there are FMJ .277 bullets available that you could concievably load into a .270 case ..... can't think of why a person would want to do that, offhand .....

But with the appropriate bullets a .270 cartridge will kill Bambi all day long.

Yeah, it may take all day for the animal to die (or longer) if you used a FMJ.....

With soft points and good placement, they go down pretty quick....
Keg, "little hole in, and little hole out" isn't a Bad thing as long as there is nominal damage along the bullet path.
See some people, that aren't exactly knowledgeable on the cartridge or bullets that can be loaded for that cartridge in 130 grns, believe that it's fast, and therefore does little damage to tissue on it's path through the animal, and out into the wild blue yonder. Well they just have'nt witnessed a nice clean kill,(and the gutting) of a whitetail killed with good bullets in the .270 win. 130 grn, specifically. Someone once told me that a "quick, clean kill" was All you could hope for in a bullet, A BIG --S HOLE IN THE DEAD DEER, is what some might deem the only way to judge a bullet's profiency, and that's just Not the case.

Anyway uneducated statements only paint the true picture of this fellas knowledge of the .270 winchester..;)

P.S. Warbirdlover I love the .270 as well as anybody but it does have limitations, and range is one of them.. ;)
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My go to bullet is the hornady SST.130GR.With a well placed shot deer, bear, hog most of the time is pop & flop. Thats the way I like it.:D:D
I think that "fella" that said that the .270 was a bad round for deer, spends too much time reading internet BS, and no where near enough in the woods hunting. The .270, as previosly mentioned by others, is a PERFECT deer caliber. That "fella" you met needs to stop smoking dope and talking BS.
Hard to say on someones comments about the 270/130gr bullet.

First mule deer buck I took after moving to Co used a 270 with 150gr
Grand Slam was a good load for cow elk tag. I later switched over to a 150gr partition couple years ago switched over to the 140gr TSX.

I tried those Sierra 90gr/100gr first part of the 70's I couldn't get them to shoot in my rifle pretty short bullet but I've shot lot of the 130gr before moving to Co.
The .270 is one of the top 2 all-round cartridges (only behind the .30-06).

Want to know why? Let's talk velocity and energy ---

@ 200 yds - the 270 (130 gr) will be moving at 2600 fps
@ 200 yds - the 270 (130 gr) will still have over 2000 ft lbs of energy

(that's enough to drop an elk - let alone a deer)

What the heck does this guy think is an ideal deer cartridge?
30/30? (that's ranked 10th best all-round) ---- 7mm-08 (that's 4th).

The 270 out-performs both.

I suppose the 300 win mag has better ballistics - but come on - for a tail deer - that'd really be (literally) over-kill.

For bullets -
Winchester - look for CXP2
Federal - look for #2 (they drop the CXP)

If you're worried about expansion, maybe the Remington ACCUTIP - it's designed to expand quickly.

(rankings source --- chuckhawks - I'm sure you can find someone to disagree with him)
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@ 200 yds - the 270 (130 gr) will be moving at 2600 mph
@ 200 yds - the 270 (130 gr) will still have over 200 ft lbs of energy

I think you meant f/sec instead of mph .... and missed a zero on the ft/lbs ...

2600 f/sec is around 1772 miles per hour..... and 200 foot lbs is a weak .38 spec load.
No worries, bud. Just don't want any erroneous info out there on my favorite hunting cartridge .... kinda like Tom Gresham's "No Shrug" policy- if I hear something that is not so, I won't just shrug and go on.... that stuff will get repeated to folks who don't know .....
270 has been popular for many decades because of its performance on big game and its moderate recoil. Sierra Pro Hunter is amazingly accurate and quite lethal as well. For the non-reloader, pick FEDERAL and Black Hills Ammo.


Thanks for all the replys and comments..... I normally hunt with a 308 or 300 mag..... But my first deer rifle was my Dads old model 70..270 caliber..made in 1948..... It took down many deer.....
Yeah, it may take all day for the animal to die (or longer) if you used a FMJ.....

Sorry, not true. That particular myth was started by ...ahem... bullet manufacturers who were lobbying to have cheap surplus ammo outlawed for hunting following the war when the Ordinance Dept. was selling M2 Ball by the freight car and were afraid that if the returning GIs were allowed to hunt with cheap ammo in their cheap surplus guns outfits like Remington and Olin's Winchester would go broke. Shot placement determines the amount of time it takes for an animal to die. A bad shot is just a bad shot no matter what you tell yourself.
I've been dropping deer with my 270 for the past 20 years. Yes it zips right through them... and leaves a big hole...
Only two have ever managed to make it more than 10 feet. One was a bullet issue, and the other was my fault.
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