.270 Winchester, Norma brass.

Unclenick, I've been testing 168 and 175 grn ABLRS for my 7 mauser, but the bullet I really want to shoot for deer are 175 grn SBT Sierra's.
The weather here is cold, 30's or colder.
When I hunt deer its about the same
Two points I might add is that this is a 22" 1:8" twist Shilen barrel in a #3 contour.
Ran into some minor issues, also changing trigger and bolt shroud, and my team is in the big game this weekend so testing put into rest mode for a few weeks.
The Sierra's are a little shorter and don't have the big forward density shift. This will both make them easier to stabilize and less picky about cartridge runout. In other words, I don't expect the ABLR issues will apply to the Sierra's. If the Sierra's don't shoot for you, I would start looking for another problem: Loose scope mount or scope internals; stock screw needing tightening, bedding with gap that lets the rifle shift, stock touching the barrel where it shouldn't, uneven bolt locking lug contact; in other words, all the usual suspects.