.270 ballistic silvertips or accubond ct for deer?

For the ranges the OP listed

IMO, you're wasting money on any premium bullet.

Get a box of "plain jane" Remington, Federal, and Winchester 130 grain ammunition. Shoot them all through your rifle and determine which one it prefers.

Then go kill a deer at the ranges you specified by aiming for the vitals (heat, lung, liver area just behind the front leg. There isn't much, if any, meat in that area to destroy and you will find your dead deer within 100 yds of where the bullet struck him:D
I completely agree with Cowboy Mo on every point he made. Beyond that, handloading would be a good move for you. You can get better accuracy from tuned loads and you can shoot just about any bullet you want to. The 270 might not be an official target rifle, but it'll shoot just about that well with a good rifle and those tuned loads. And back to the Nosler Ballistic Tips...that is one great shooting bullet. And the Sierra Gameking and the Hornady SST's will also shoot extremely well. I've shot 'bragging' groups with each of those bullets in various rifles. So come join us in handloading. Just think about all the stuff you can ask about and talk about. And very soon you'll be shooting those 1/4 inch groups that just about everybody on this forum shoots.:D
Since you wrote it would be around 150-yrds or less. Either would work very well for your application. Availability is the next issue? ;)
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The 130 grn bullet is the "Cats meow" for the .270 win, my favorite bullet is the 130 grn Accubond from Nosler, ( I handload) I'm not sure there is a commercial loading, might check Nosler website to be sure. It works extremely well on deer, I think anything heavier isn't really necessary to Cleanly take whitetails.. No real meat loss, like Taylorce1 says shoot'em through the ribs dude..;)
I'm not worried about the Accubond exploding at ten yds it'll just mushroom more!
See what shoots best in your rifle and go from there. I'd buy a box of each and take them to a range and see what groups for you.

Either round will drop a deer. Personally I've had great luck with Winchester Silvertips as well as with good old Remingtion Core-Lokts.
I think the Accu-bonds are a little too stout for our thin-skinned whitetails. I'd give the nod to the "Ballistic" Silver Tips. The are the same bullets as the Nosler Ballistic Tips except with molylubdenum coating.
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I like penetration, I want blood pouring out of both sides of the animal. Therefore I choose the Accubond. Yes, they are more expensive but how often are you going to shoot and how much are those bullets in the whole scheme of things. I loaded 50 Barnes-X bullets 20 years ago for my 30-06 and still have 3 or four of them. I fire my rifle once before the season to check the zero and don't waste them on coyotes, pigs, etc... Yes, I do have other guns I hunt with, but they would have lasted at least 5 years if that was the only gun I used. You didn't settle for a rifle that was $200.00 less than the one you have, did you? Don't settle for less than the best on ammo.
I have to agree with fatwhiteboy and Kreyzhorse. Every once and a while I pick up a rifle I want to use on deer once or twice and then sell. I don't want to reload for these guns and the poster does not either. Of the big three (Winchester,Remington,Federal) Winchester is usually the worst factory load of the three, but not always. You have to try different brands in YOUR gun and see what works best. At 10 yards to 150 yards good old factory bullets works fine. I don't buy those weird bullets even when I do reload. I have never had a Corlokt bullet fail to open up, or a Winchester silver tip either, but have had accuracy problems and expansion problems with after market bullets.