.243 enough for Boar?

Five shots of .30-30 150gr bullets?

That is one tough animal. Probably should have used 12ga shotgun W/ slugs or perhaps a .444 Marlin rifle
Neither of which are bad choices my other hog rifle is an 1895 marlin in 45/70. We recomend as a minimum a .308 with 180 gr well constructed bullets. You are however, free to hunt with whatever pleases you.
My advice is given on many years and many hogs shot. I've seen em shot with just about everything and have a pretty good idea of what works in different situations. Light high velocity is a bad choice on big I repeat BIG hogs. They work just fine on the little ones. I've found that most of the really big boys that have been killed with light rifles have been shot from a stand in the head or some such arrangement. Most of our shots are at running hogs from all different angles so penetration is key to success.
I agree the heavier the better. I must qualify the 5, 30-30's in the side with little effect story. The guy started shooting at about 100 yds and finished at about 220 so he wasn't using a 30-30 to it's best effect on hogs. He did however connect on every shot on a running hog quite impressive at those ranges I'd say.
His bullets just barrley made it through the shield and into the lungs, very poor penetration. It did however stop and would have killed him eventually. This was a good sized hog about 300 lbs. I don't think a .243 would've done it in that situation. But you never know. I for one would not rely on a poddle shooter in the brush with a big pissed off boar, but hey that's just me.
H&H, if in thick brush with a large, irate hog, I'd say that hot-loads of .45-70 are merely a starting point!

I think the "height above hog" world record for climbing a thorny mesquite is somewhere around 2.3 seconds.

If i were to hunt such creatures, i would go with a Browning BAR in 300 WCM. Real nice for quick follow up shots if nessacary.

Put some type of fixed power [2power] or illumnated dot and have at it.

With that some Federal 220 grainers. Nuff said.

Here in GA I hunt hoggies with a little NEF Handi Rifle that originally was a .357 Mag but had a .30-30 Ackley finishing reamer dropped into the chamber for a .357 Herret "Long". It's a ballistic cousin to a .35 Remington. Fairly stout loads. 200 grain Hornady RNs, in front of some W748, as I recall.

I have also rolled 'em with a Mech Tech upper with a Tasco Red Dot on a Springfield Gov't Model lower with .45 Super loads out to about 40 yds. That was exciting!

I also christened my new 10 in barrel on my SBH .44 Mag w/factory sights with a little 80 pounder last Spring. Another 40 stepper. Of course, I've kiilled more with a .30-30 than anything else.

A good friend uses a .223 Mauser short action bolt down in Pasco County, FL.

I'd rather hunt hogs than deer any day! Art, I spent a couple hunderd bucks on a New Braunfels Bandera last Spring with some of Uncle Sam's largess. 'Works great, but ... nothin' beats a fire pit.:)
California has a way of creating 500+ LBS PART RUSSIAN HOGS THAT NEED BAZZOKAS TO KILL!

Not really a joke. There is some truth.

California has a problem with Volkswaggon sized pigs.

California Pig Season is 24/7 365, Unlimited Bag Limit!

Come! kill'em all but you can't but hey! at least kill 50?........PLEASE!