243 bullets for deer

I use 100gr Sierra ProHunters in my .243. It was a load that my grandfather worked up in the 1970's and it still works. Out of my 788 running 2800-2900fps, it will cloverleaf a 3 shot group. I took a shot a few years ago at a old doe that was just over 250yds. Placed it right behind the should and she dropped in her tracks. I still carry that rifle from time to time.
I don't reload but I use Winchester Super X. They expand and fragment well. Usually theres just goo left over of what was their heart and their lungs are destroyed.
I usually use W748 or 4064 for powders. Its really what ever I have on hand that I know works good in my rifle. As far as charges, sorry I don't share that one. Just don't want to be held liable. I try to keep it around 2800-2900fps with my Lyman 49th manual. Now this is out of a 18.5" barrel. Was a 20" until my dad had a accident and needed to install a muzzle brake so he didn't miss a season.
I too use 748 and 4064, some H380 also. The sierra manual says that best hunting load for the 100 gr is 4064 so I will start with that. I have plenty of time till my trip so I can fine tune.
Any .243 will devastate a deer, and leave a massive exit wound. All the people who flame the .243ers, never seen the damage done by a .243.
First bullets I ever shot out of my rifle were 100 gr Federal PSP. I emptied the rifles entire magazine into a small Y buck about 75 yards away from me while sitting high in a Norway Spruce once. {a stand built so high up one could get a nose bleed & Minnesota's COLD!! Oh it sure was.} Talk about disappointing ammo. The last round fired I finally broke the poor animals neck. Upon inspection. Ribs primarily and one lone neck shot were accomplished. Not one bullet had expanded out of the four rib hits. Not one!! {In's and out's as I call em leaving pencil size holes similar to a FMJ's wound}

Got some advice from a old 6-MM Rem shooter who happen to stop by that evening to B/S and enjoy a few Shooters of Crown Royal with me.
That advice given:__ If I have close in shots (meaning: 150 yards or less) nothing works better in a 243 for accuracy and expansion than Hornady's 75 gr HP or their 87 Gr HP/BT_ (providing I can reload their cartridges too 3200 fps.} Well gents my reloaded cartridges are indeed a little faster than the 3200 required. Since that tid-bit of advice was given on that snowy evening in November. I have indeed knocked down a lot of Brown with that advice. {No doubt about that!!} Seldom have my deer walked or crawled beyond 50 ft after a single well placed rib shot that almost never creates a exit wound. Those bullets entire built up down range Energy is dumped into the animals cavity and little if any of the bullets Energy escapes as there are no bullet exit wounds.
Many times while field dressing have I seen purple in color hearts & lungs shredded and torn to pieces.
Shots into necks or white throat patch's its a given those deer are hammered to the ground where they stand.
To this day 30 years later the recipe I still (as does my Son also) use is the 75 gr. HP Hornady loaded up with IMR 4831 in a Federal first fired brass that's been trimmed to Minimum tolerance then S/Base resized and fired. There after just Neck resizing is required. And that is the cartridge I use for hunting. (neck resized one)

That late 80s Old Ruger model 77 will put all its bullets into a grouping about the size of a postage stamp at 100. And do it time after time all day long. Only other rifle I have that can rival is my 270 and only because I have a much better scope on my 270 verses the old (Japan made) Bushnell Scopechief on the 243. Is probably the reason for that.
So all you heavy weight believing bullet fellows plan on tracking those deer you shoot. :(
Me. I'll just leisurely walk over to my deer's kill site and get busy with my Wyoming knife.:D
Emptying a gun on a deer means nothing ammo. The truth is, without a great shot the bullets won't expand. Shooting in the ribs guarantees an exit hole.
Never had a 243 exit the boiler room on hogs or deer I've shot. Probably because everything I shot was at 30 yards - 150 yards. Every single time the bullet exploded and liquefied the heart and lower portion of the lungs. The 243 gets the job done without a doubt, but shot placement is a more important than say with a 308 or 30-06. I always used a 95 gr Fusion and mostly 100gr Winchester PowerPoints. Now that I load my own I don't use the 243 anymore as I favor the 260 and 308. A better quality bullet than those I mentioned for the 243 will probably exit, but I never had to track or lost a deer in the 4 hogs and 1 deer I shot with mine before I moved to the 308 (using 260 this year). Anyone who says a 243 isn't enough has never used one or can't shoot. Pretty much any 100gr bullet you chose from corelockts and power points to more quality bullets is going to put meat in the freezer.
The Blur, I have shot a pile of deer with a .243 and I 100% disagree with you. The cartridge is absolutely un-forgiving. I have never seen anything but a Barnes X exit a whitetail. I am sure other bullets do it all the time, but I have never seen on do it. I have shot several in the lungs that did not exit. I have hit several deer very good with the .243 and they have gone over 200 yards. Maybe I am spoiled because my main hunting rifles are the 7 RUM, 7 WSM, and .264 Win mag.
I have never seen anything but a Barnes X exit a whitetail
I've seen multiple bullets exit, from 85 gr up to 100 gr
What I like most is a 95 gr Ballistic Tip, and I've never recovered one of those
I've used the Sierra 85 gr HPBT in 6mm rem and .243 win on a few deer, it works great. If you can help it, try to stay just behind that shoulder bone unless you want a mess. It is about the most accurate .24 caliber hunting bullet out there from my personal experiences, and I've tried a few.

I loaded them over a stiff charge of Hybrid 100V for a little faster hunting load, but Varget gave slightly better accuracy. I also tried Win 760 with decent results.

The only .243 I have now, a Remington Model 7, has since been designated my wife's hunting rifle. I'm currently feeding it an 85 gr Nosler Partition over a starting load of W760 for a low recoil hunting load. My heavy barreled Rem 700 6mm still gets the Sierras
Snyper, the 95 ballistic tip is one I used to use and never saw an exit. I had one make a knot on the hide on the other side with one of the pieces is blew into. Over the past two years, I shot 4 deer with bonded bullets that did not exit. With the 7 Rum, I killed a doe that was standing behind the buck I killed. It exited her also.
Haven't tried 'em yet, but the Nosler E-Tip 85s (a monolithic / gilding metal bullet) look REALLY promising for deer, with a very flat trajectory.

Some say that this is the bullet in the Federal "Trophy Copper Tipped Boat Tail" 85s:


It should have great terminal properties, and fly like the wind with its BC and low weight. If it's accurate in your rifle, it's the perfect premium round (if you can afford same) for all deer up to the biggest mulies....maaaybe even elk. I have two boxes of these to try at some future date.

In a non-premium, the 95 Federal Fusions look like a bargain, and tend to be accurate - they will get the job done, by all accounts.

That's sort of answering another question you didn't ask - factory load in addition to bullets, but there it is. You can buy E-tips separate, but I don't think the you can buy the Fusion bullets.

I'm just using up stocks of 100 soft points in reloads this year (I'm hunting whitetails with a .243 win this year).
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I was able to find component fusion bullets one time. Have never seen them again. I have heard the Deep Curl is the non boat tail version of the Fusion, but I have no idea how reliable that info is.