.243,6mm,or .257 Roberts?

If you want to keep to a pump rifle, and have a .243 pump rifle already ..... and want a gun for bears in MI?


Your other choices are hard to feed, unless you handload.

I have a 6.5 arisaka I like to shoot at the range and it's probably similar to 243 in recoil so shooting doesn't hurt but after 20 rounds of 30-06 you don't want to shoot much more.

Depends upon the -06 in question...... and the shooter, too.

A reasonably fit adult can shoot something like a Garand all afternoon ....... but a 13 year old kid with a lightweight hunting rifle and premium hunting ammo is a whole 'nother thing .......
20 years ago Browning made a pump action rifle. I don't know when they quit making it either. It was a good looking rifle, but it wasn't very popular. I have only seen them in the gun shops, I have never seen one in the woods. That's probably why they stopped making them.
You should slowly get into reloading. It will open a whole new spectrum of the gun world to you. Like everyone else, I don't get why you want another caliber rifle that does the same as what you have. I used to have a couple .257 Roberts rifles and had no problem with buying box ammo. I used to easily buy .257 Roberts+P ammo. Shows how things change in 15-20 years. I live in the BIG black bear state and you would not even believe what some of these old Hillbillys use to hunt them. Bears really are not that tough.
I live in the BIG black bear state and you would not even believe what some of these old Hillbillys use to hunt them.

IIRC, it was Neal Boortz that defined "Redneck" as "Yeah, that'll work for now...." when referring to something used for a task it was really not made for, but with enough on the fly ingenuity, could be made to work, at least temporarily ........ some folks take this idea to dizzying heights, just because the can ......

Bears really are not that tough.

A relative statement. Hillbilly's are pretty tough. They have to be.
.257 has always been a caliber I've wanted, simply for the reloading fun in making it perform. I have "off and on" looked for a rifle in that caliber, but have yet to come across the gun that really speaks to me.

My favorite .25 caliber is .250-3000 or commonly .250 Savage. I have a Ruger Model 77 Ultralight in that caliber and it is a joy to shoot.
How do you guy's get that Quote in there? I think what I'd look at if I wanted a pump is one in a 7mm-08, if anyone even makes one. I had a 760 pump years ago in 280 Rem. Loved the cartridge, hated the gun! I'd think as popular as the 7mm-08 is you'd find one in the 7600.
Quotes are a pain here.

Copy the text you want, select the cartoon bubble icon and paste the text in.

I thought I read on here that they deactivated most of the feature to stop people that don't understand how quotes should work and pasting in the whole conversation.
I had a Ruger 77 Ultralite in .257 R and one on an Arisaka action. Both shot extremely well with Winchester +P box ammo. They were good rifles, I just moved on to something else. I still have two 99 Savage rifles in .250 Savage and one in 25-35. That is all the .25 calibers I need. The one light rifle I do regret selling in recent years was a 6.8 SPC.
20 years ago Browning made a pump action rifle. I don't know when they quit making it either. It was a good looking rifle, but it wasn't very popular. I have only seen them in the gun shops, I have never seen one in the woods. That's probably why they stopped making them.

In my paranoid opinion, they introduced it in anticipation of their semiautomatic being banned. Kind of like the short lived Ruger lever actions.
Deerhunt: Welcome! You have come to a good place.

First off: You HAVE a 243. Its not costing you anything.Shooting any factory loaded ammo isn't cheap.
I should not make assumptions about your finances,but when I was 13 I could not afford a lot.
The Old Cowboy said "If you quit spending money on what you want,you can afford what you need"
But it sure is fun to think about these things,and we learn that way.
I know of a woman who gets her elk with a 243. I know of a guy who shoots really big mule deer with a .243. You would use a fairly heavy. and tough bullet. You don't just whang away at the animal. You be patient.The critter has to be still.You have to know where the bones and organs are inside the animal.
You have to see the heart or the lungs . And the ribs. You have to be steady and know for sure you are sending that bullet through those ribs into the lungs or heart.
If you don't have that shot,you wait or get closer.
You also have to know your cartridge,your rifle,and yourself. How well can you hit a grapefruit or a cantelope in a sitting position? At what range? Not much hunting is from a bench.
Before you buy a $400 rifle,I suggest shoot $400 worth of ammunition.
That's how you make a .243,or a 6mm,or a .257 work. In fact,thats how you make any rifle work.
You can make your own choice,its OK to prefer a pump. Just my opinion,if you key in on making the first shot count,the rapid fire thing is not important.
You can get a bolt gun in more cartridges,they are typically lighter and more accurate.
If you are going to have two rifles,a .243 and a .308 is a great team. If you are just going to have one, I'd consider a 7-08.(There are a lot of great cartridges,including the 270. )
I'm not trying to limit your capabilities,but I'd agree with waiting a few years to take up handloading.
I have a .257 Ackley Improved,soI know the .257 some.
Some outfits like Hornady might make some modern hotter loads with spitzer bullets,but the standard Win/Rem loads have always been loaded down for older guns that weren't as strong and might be home made.
And they put a round nose bullet in them that did not fly so well.Don't get me wrong,still a great deer cartridge!. But those 117 gr Round nose bullets from a .257 don't keep up with a .243. At 200 yds,It does not matter,the .257 makes venison.
As much as I like what I can do with a handloaded .257,I would not recommend one to anyone who did not handload.
Remington brought out the 6mm and it could have done better but Remington rifled it for varmint bullets. It didn't shoot deer bullets so well.The 6mm is another great cartridge for a handloader. The 243 is a little shorter,too. It works better in todays rifle.Ammo is easier. So the .243 is generally the better choice today. Its a lot harder to find 6mm. There isn't a nickle's worth of difference between them in the field.

Once again,shooting,practice,developing as a shooter is far more important than what the name of the cartridge is. You DO need to pick the right bullet.
There isn't much you can't do with your .243.

You spend all your money on guns and not enough on ammo and a 300 magnum might not work for you.

As far as shooting 600 yds??? Well,really,I suggest you just get real good at 200 or 300.
The longer the range,the more chance of wounding an animal. Then that animal is suffering,and you will feel awful.
Keep it a sure thing quick kill to the best of your ability.
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You've gotten a lot of good advice here.

If you absolutely need to have a pump, I'd pick a shorter cartridge like 7mm-08, or .308.

However, if you're willing to try a bolt-action, I'd look long and hard at a Tikka T3 Lite or some other short, light rifle, either in .243 Win, or the other two cartridges mentioned above.

I absolutely love the .270 Win and still like the 30-06, but you may not want to shoot either for more than about 10 shots from the bench. Hunting is another story and you hardly notice the recoil.

Aim small, miss small!
I recently bought my first Mossberg gun--a Patriot in 375 Ruger (I'm NOT recommending you get that caliber--but they make others in the same rifle build). I've never, in my experience, bought such a well-made and accurate shooting rifle at it's price point.
I bought my father a 760 in 300 Savage the rifle is a tack driver and the recoil is a lot less then a 30-06 and it will knock deer stiff.
Hey Deerhunt, sounds like one of the reasons you might want a .257 Roberts is because it's a little different, even unique, from the more common types. There's nothing wrong with that maybe quirky mind-set and you don't need to make any great effort defending something a little out of the ordinary just because some find it "impractical". As most others have said in your thread, there is simply no practical differences in terms of ballistics and bullet configurations between the .243, 6mm or the .257 Roberts cartridges. Yes, the Roberts will be a little harder to find on the shelves of some stores but it's not like you're looking for hens teeth.

I own a host of rifles chambered in cartridges many might find impractical or obsolete, including the .257 Roberts, the .22 Hornet, the .220 Swift, the 7X64 Brenneke and the .358 Winchester. These cartridges have a lot of use and I enjoy having and using them. But I also have rifles chambered in more "common" cartridges, including the .30-30, .308, 30-06, etc. My advice is if you want a Roberts just because-get it.
257 Roberts or 243-good choice both ways.

Roberts factory ammo was loaded mildly from the start to accommodate round nose bullets with acceptable accuracy for the time. Mild ammo and mild loading data has be a curse from day one. The Roberts was designed to be an accurate dual purpose rifle for Eastern game.

Reloading-a personal decision: As to reloading one would benefit from reloading any caliber. Take a look at reloading bullets for 243 and 257 across the spectrum. You have way more options reloading than you have walking into most stores. Both 243 and 257 are excellent cartridges. Good luck on your search. Measure twice and cut once.
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Keep rolling with the .243.

The .270 is the quintessential "Western States" cartridge.

If bear or elk is consistently on the menu, then I would consider the 30.06. But you would broaden your horizons considerably if you went beyond a pump.
Beyong a pump-an understatement

The Roberts is a great old cartridge. On the other hand your choices are limited. Everybody that make a long gun makes a 243. The 243 level of performance is nearly identical with the Roberts or vise-versa. The Roberts was a dual purpose cartridge for Eastern Hunting. Directly and indirectly its been suggested you look at bolt action rifles regardless. Let me suggest looking at bolt action rifles along with the others. Pumps are good rifles for what they were intended to be. Do a Google search for long range pump rifles. Do the same for bolt actions.