24/7 CC

Usually I carry 1 gun which is a Glock 19, 24/7. It's never not on me, or farther away than 2-3 feet. I always carry at least one spare magazine.

Here is what I've done for concealed carry in public, out and about:

Glock 19 AIWB w/ spare mag

Glock 19 AIWB w/ spare mag and 2 mags in a carrier IWB

Glock 19 AIWB w/ spare mag and 2 mags in a carrier OWB

Glock 19 IWB @ 4:00 w/ TLR-1s w/ spare mag also with 2 mags IWB or OWB in carried.

Glock 19 OWB with button up shirt, w/ or w/o TLR-1s with the same number of mags wither IWB or OWB.

At work, it's a Glock 19 OWB @ 3:00 with 2 mags in it's carrier at 8/9:00, 1 spare in the pocket, a 33 rounder in another, and Glock 26 @ 4:30.

I was a working street cop 27 years and I believe I could count the number of times I did not have a back up weapon on both hands. I even carried a B.U.G. before my first department allowed it.

In the 12 years I've been retired I can't remember feeling the need to carry a back up weapon. I just don't see the need to. I do have a reload on my person 99% of the time and I keep two reloads in the car.
+1 on old bear's post ^^^^
I also agree with PAX - When I go to the gun range I keep a S&W 442 in my front pocket and always on the lookout when leaving the range and being followed. Someone I know was shooting with friends, loaded the car and they stopped at a bar on the way home... when leaving the bar they found their trunk open and empty.
Short of work I can't see the point. If you have a reliable weapon carry more ammo. Another weapon system with less capability just does not make any sense to me.
On the BUG concept:

If I were a LEO or some other armed protector who has a obligation to confront danger or protect others... sure, I would carry a bug.

As a citizen... nope :rolleyes:
Thanks again for everyone's thoughts. I'm going to stick with not adding a BUG to my EDC gear. I've added my harmonica instead :D:D.

As I just said in a different thread, "mouse" guns aren't my cup of tea, and ankle carry doesn't work when you wear shorts nearly year round.

All joking aside, there just doesn't seem to be enough benefit to carrying one. This isn't in any way a judgment of the folks who do carry them, just that like "mouse" guns, they aren't for me.
Having said all that and thanked you for the responses, let me now ask another question addressing the "Two is one-one is none" concept. Of the people that carry 24/7, what are your thoughts on carrying a BUG?

I sometimes carry a BUG, sometimes not. It depends a lot on what I'm wearing. When I do, it's a small framed .38 (LCR, to be exact) carried in my left (weak side) pocket. Typically, I won't carry reloads for this gun as space at this point is at a premium.

Here are my thoughts on why I sometimes carry a BUG:

1. My wife has her CCW, but rarely carries. If we get into a situation, I can hand my BUG off to her, and now she's armed as well.
2. If my primary malfunctions, is shot, or in any other way inaccessible (right arm injured...and I can't draw my primary with my left hand) I still have a way to defend myself.
3. After carrying it, I realized that having a pocket gun can (emphasis on can) give you an advantage. If I get a bad feeling, or I see something possibly going down, I can get a shooting grip on my BUG without exposing it, or giving away the fact that I have my hand on a gun. If something goes down, that gun will be out FAST.
4. I chose a revolver for my BUG due to utter reliability. Malfunction drill is to pull the trigger again. I don't expect my G19 to fail catastrophically in a bad situation, but if it does, I'll still have a gun that probably won't.

Usually I don't carry a BUG though. With two guns, and everything else I carry I start to feel like a pack mule. In addition, pocket space is at a premium, and it's not really feasible to carry a pocket gun for me unless I'm wearing cargo shorts/pants. In addition, I just don't feel it's needed in most cases. When I travel, I carry two guns (except when driving through New Mexico...). But this has less to do with the BUG concept, and more to do with the fact that if something happens to my primary gun, I still have a gun that can take the primary role. I don't worry about that at home because I can just get another gun out of my safe and I'm good to go.