24/7 Carriers? Ever any exceptions to your rule?

I carry everywhere except while asleep or in the shower - no gun-on-a-rope. At work I am not allowed to carry my personal sidearm - they give me a Glock instead.:rolleyes:
I carry everywhere except while asleep or in the shower - no gun-on-a-rope.
Bingo....but add the word "legally". When I was carted off in an ambulance about four years ago after being hit by a cell-phone-babbling jackass while riding my motorcycle to work as I laid on the back board, I showed the responding officer my CHL, and let him take my PM9 "for a while".
When I was discharged from the hospital, my first stop was the PD, where I retrieved the PM9.

So, to answer your question (if it was a question) the answer is no. With the exceptions being pretty exceptional.

As a regular at the Texas CHL forum has in his sig line:
"Carry 24/7 or guess right."

IMHO, he has the right idea.
I carry in my house about 50% of the time. It depends on how much I'm playing with the kid or dog.

Every where that is prohibited naturally.

However, I always carry at church, which a lot of people seem to have mixed feelings about.

I decided to carry my CCW in to Diamonds Direct one day, and about 40 minutes later they are rolling cases of alcohol in. There was no sign on the door saying no weapons, and not a prohibited place, so I thought I was okay. Turns out they throw private parties with LOTS of alcohol. I quickly took my firearm back out to the car.
Now I don't think I'll be carrying in to high end jewelry stores.
Trooper asked:
I don't carry into the bathroom though, does anyone really do that?

Yessir, I do. If you stop and think about it a minute, . . . if the bg for example wants to bust in on you, . . . but doesn't want the wrong end of a confrontation, . . . what better way than to lay low and watch the house.

When you go into the shower, . . . there's far too much noise going on there for most to hear a shoulder moving a door open, . . . and even if the bg does the "kick the door" entry, . . . is Marvin Bare Butt gonna come out pointing his Dove soap and wash cloth at the bg?

I don't know what I'll meet coming out of my shower when I am the only folk at the place, . . . so I bring my 1911 to the shower with me, . . . within easy reach, . . . even if I am all wet.

May God bless,
1)Places with metal detectors, federal buildings, etc.
2)I'm the security ministry director at my church so no trouble there
3)When taking a shower/bath
4)While asleep in bed (wife doesn't like cold metal poking her in the side)
5)While the wife and I are having fun (again, wife doesn't like cold metal against her....except maybe the handcuffs :p)
Right now I have to carry at work and work requires that I carry everywhere else too. Still I don't carry in the shower. In the gym I will take it off and set it on a nearby table while I work out.

Stateside I carry pretty much everywhere except when not allowed to at work or not legal for some reason. I don't carry in the gym at all. Don't carry in the shower either, but the wife is outside the door in the prone with a long gun covering me, just like I do for her. ;)
I work at a community college so I can't carry there. I also suffer from Kidney stones and Pancreatitis. When I have an attack and have to go to the hospital I don't carry because there are usually plenty of police at the ER. Mostly I just carry around the house, but if I have been put on major pain medications I put the guns away at home as well. I have passed two kidney stones this week so my guns are locked up and the pain medicine is within close reach.
I only carry when I'm in a precarious or dangerous situation. I sometimes have to transport valuable items and/or large amounts of cash through some pretty seedy neighborhoods. I carry then, but when I go to church or just take my wife out to dinner or go visit the grandkids, I leave the artillery at home.