24/7 Carriers? Ever any exceptions to your rule?


So you carry 24/7...in your home, from the mawnin when ya wake up, till ya puts on your Hello Kitty Feetie Jammies at night night time. You have a Glock on a rope in the shower. You avoid any venue that prohibits you from being armed.

Any exceptions to that rule allowed? How about when you are getting ready for a great day of NFL playoffs and a 6.5 (the final verdict)mm stone drops out of your kidney and sticks up in that little tube place. In between writhing on the floor and pacing from wall to wall, what do you do with your CCW? Then when you go to the hospital (lets say ya drive yourself) do you take your CCW with you? Is it a good idea to have your CCW with you when you pass out in the ER from the pain?

Now subsequent thereto, you have more dope in ya than Chicago voters have identities? Still carry?

I relate of course my own recent experience. but the question is more rhetorical....viz: if you carry 24/7 (or say you do), what do you do when physical circumstances render it unwise for you to do so? Carry anyway? Doped up and in pain? Or if you agree that there are certain circumstances that rightfully preclude carrying a weapon, then it all does become a matter of degree, yes?

WildandyesifeelbettersomewhatthankyouAlaska ™©2002-2011
If I'm going out with some friends and even think I might have a drink or two all my guns (CCW, nightstand and shotgun in the corner by the bed) get locked up in the safe before I head out.

Last month I was really sick (due to black mold in the house) and I felt drugged up all the time so everything again stayed locked up till I got to feeling better.

Just use "good" sense (I say "good" cause common really isn't these days). ;)
Here in Michigan, it is illegal to carry in some places, and unfortunately, some of these are necessary at times, like hospitals. I don't carry in the shower.:rolleyes: If having a drink at all in this state you don't carry legally (.02) unless, of course, in your own home and not planning on venturing out. For the quick stop places you can't carry, i.e. theatres, parking lots are generally legal, so it is wise to have a safe in your vehicle. I stay out of bars altogether, and simply drink iced tea in favorite restaurants if I'm carrying.
till ya puts on your Hello Kitty Feetie Jammies at night night time
You really need to stop looking in my windows at night. I thought the judge made that clear ;)

There are times and places I can't carry, usually for legal reasons. If possible, I avoid those places. If not, I ensure that the weapon is well secured.
I broke my own rules once and went with my wife outside to do "night check" on the horses ( she runs a very large horse farm). I was standing outside the barn, it's literally in the middle of nowhere, and saw something small moving in the back field. Small, low to the ground, not a horse. I didn't have my gun with me, I was in sweat pants and sneakers ( not Hello Kitty, they were in the wash :D). I did have my keys with me because I have a bad habit of locking every single door behind me. So, I got my M-4 out of my cruiser and shined the light on the rifle out in the field. Saw about 4 coyotes looking back at me. Now I never go outside without a gun.

I can't think of anywhere I can't carry, and I don't drink, so I honestly can't remember a day in the last 15 years I haven't carried. I don't carry into the bathroom though, does anyone really do that?
Bottom line?
I always know where my guns are, and I keep them as close as is legally possible.

I don't profess 24/7 carry, anymore. I hate trying to wash gun oil out of my silk bed sheets...:D
Not to mention the rude awakening when I would roll over on to my 1911...!

I have a friend that carries multiples, 25 hours a day and 8 days a week...:eek:
If you ever feel like getting a higher education, in most cases that means going unarmed at least part of the day.

You can maximize your carry time, but you can also miss out on some cool things in life if you take it a bit too far.
I'm a little bitter that, when you want to go to a professional sporting event, you are not allowed to carry. So where I live, in N. Texas, and my wife and I want to go see a Dallas Stars game for example, of ALL the places I would want to carry, it's in frickin' DALLAS. Yet, I can't carry in American Airlines Center...what a whip.
I don't carry into the bathroom though, does anyone really do that?

You mean some dont shower like Big Jake? :)

I dont carry 24/7 and have had my share of trouble in the past, never needed a gun to handle things, I have 2 hands and some training :) well lots of training in the hand to hand stuff but I dont like to talk about it.

Guns are around and loaded on the farm as I like to be ready for them varmints and critters dont need to be on the place.

Coyotes wont attack you, shoulda shot em.
I've had several surgeries over the years. When I was in the hospital "nightie" on the operating table under anethstesia (sp??) I did not have one on me then.

I'm trying to think of any other times when I was not carrying or had one with-in a hands reach. Let's see....can't remember when that was last.....hold on a minute.....

Had one on when I got married....when I graduated High School. At each kids birth.....Wait! Married! I remember another time now that I did NOT have a gun on me or with-in reach! When we were on our honeymoon and I was swimming in the Atlantic ocean! I left them in our hotel room.

I truly try to carry as much as possible. We rarely give business to any business that prohibits guns and yes we even carry at the grocery store. Federal buildings are a occasional pain and most hospitals are a no gun zone although for our state many of the signs they put up dont meet the legal requirements of the law (MN) to prevent you from carrying there.

If Im doing pretty much anything the gun is on my side or within easy reach but I dont shower with it in my hand or anything.

In the case I have to take medicine that might affect my ability to judge things then I put it away until Im done with the medicine. If the day were to come that I constantly needed some medicine for pain or whatever I would have to put them away but hopefully those days are a good bit farther down the road.
Places I don't carry

Chiefs/NCO clubs.....on base can't do it

Most PX/Commissaries/Class Six stores.....on base can't do it

Federal/State/County buildings.... just lock in the gun safe in the truck

Church..... Virginia has a fuzzy rule about it, locked in the truck with my wifes

Bars..... I can OC/CC and drink, ergo; I don't go to many bars

Airports..... I stay in the truck, the wife picks up whom ever (or visa/versa)

When ever my doctor gives me any medication that my wife looks at and says "give me your gun..... locked in the gun safe

Other than those, pretty much carry all the time.
WildAlaska said:
Any exceptions to that rule allowed? How about when you are getting ready for a great day of NFL playoffs and a 6.5 (the final verdict)mm stone drops out of your kidney and sticks up in that little tube place. In between writhing on the floor and pacing from wall to wall, what do you do with your CCW? Then when you go to the hospital (lets say ya drive yourself) do you take your CCW with you? Is it a good idea to have your CCW with you when you pass out in the ER from the pain?

Well, I doubt you're going to be thinking about putting away your gun when that stone drops, so I'm going to say that you're still going to be wearing it when the ambulance arrives. After all, if your writhing around on the floor, you're certainly not going to drive yourself to the hospital.

Anyway, I carry (virtually) every day, (virtually) everywhere. There are exceptions, sometimes just because I feel like it.

No one "carries 24/7" unless they sleep with a holster on. I do carry far, far more often than not though. My gun is in the Gun Vault by the bed every night so, if that counts, I'm almost 24/7/365.

I doubt there have been more than a dozen days since I got my permit that I haven't carried, that's in almost exactly 2 years. In fact, I think yesterday or the day before was my "anniversary".
After all, if your writhing around on the floor, you're certainly not going to drive yourself to the hospital.

Ha! Wanna bet?:D

WildtothetuneofswmbostauntsbestrongkenchanyouaresamuraiAlaska ™©2002-2011
Pefect Example

My father went to the hospital in a hurry a wile back for some heart issues. The first thing he did when getting there was leave his firearms in the truck. I drove all the way from VT to PA to see him for what we thought would be the last time. Thankfully that was not the case but the first thing he said was not I love you or good to see you it was the handguns are in the truck go take em home and lock em up would ya.

P.S. hes fine and he is one of those old farts who refuses to ride in an ambulance.
