22LR for Home Defense

"I am reminded of the amount of damage one John Hinckley Jr. managed to do with one some 30-odd years ago.
Or the damage Sirhan Sirhan did to Robert Kennedy 46 years ago.

I used to do a lot of testing of 22 rounds for expansion. I found that Remington Yellow Jackets always expanded in water or blocks of putty. Even when fired from an Iver Johnson TP22.

I have no problems at all with someone using a 22 for defense. Just make sure she is very familiar with the gun and gets lots of practice."

How about Gerald Mason, who killed 2 cops with a .22 revolver in 1957 -one of which he shot through a windshield? or Richard Blackburn, who killed officer Mark Coates with a single shot from a .22lr handgun after being shot 5 times in the chest with a .357 mag?
More people than you can count have been killed or incapacitated by a .22lr handgun. I don't understand the statements of "it's better than nothing" or some such nonsense. If somebody has broken into your home, a .22lr handgun is just fine if you know how to use it.
A .22 is better than nothing. A 10/22 is fairly reliable with good ammo. If a handgun it should be a revolver. Semi auto pistols aren't very reliable, if it's all you got, load it with CCI Mini Mags and pray for it a lot.
Seems there are many that overlooked the first sentence of the OP
I helped my mom buy a 22LR handgun to use for home defense
The purchas has already been made! No need to suggest different guns, and different calibers!
I would stick with CCI brand for it's known reliability. One big drawback to the rimfire for SD is the higher percentage of duds compaired to centerfire cartridges. A variable you can help reduce with the use of ammunition with a good reputation for few misfires.
I'm sure to an assailant the particular round, MiniMag, or Stinger would be of little significance. What is most important is what round functions best in her gun, and functions best in reliability and accuracy for her.
It seems to me that she already HAS a 22 handgun. The question wasn't what gun, but what ammo.

I keep hearing about how ureliable 22 ammo is, but I can't say I've found that to be true. I pretty much shoot CCI mimi mags, and Federal bulk pack. I'm sure I've had a dud round out of the Federal, but I really can't say I remember any. With the CCI, I don't think I've EVER had a dud.

If I was going to keep a 22 for S/D and I have done it in the past, I'd load it with CCI Mini-Mags. Good stuff.

If I couldn't find them, I'd just dig into the open box of Federal bulk pack on the top of the safe.
You've already got the gun, apparently she is comfortable with it, so all the suggestions for a different gun or caliber are useless at this point. My wife is far more confident with a .22 as well, but it's a revolver with a 6" barrel.

As you alreday mention, the ammo is not likely to expand much, an in situations where penetration is very limited, thats probably a good thing.

Most of the hyper velocity type ammo comes at the expense of a lighter bullet. Most standard .22 LR ammo has a heavier bullet.

I would suggest, from personal experience, use CCI Mini Mags for reliable ammo.

I would agree. It is probably about the most reliable .22 ammo, and about the most accurrate ammo you can find in retail stores at retail store prices. There may be some expensive specialy defense .22LR ammo in gun stores these days, but I'd stick with something that she has shot enough of to be confident it is reliable in her gun.

Most hot burglaries are accidental, and when the first shot is fired, they can't flee fast enough. If she encounters the burglar who wants to shoot it out to the death, the .22 will be underpowered, but still better than the 9mm that she can't shoot.
I think the CCI 22LR recommendation is pretty pervasive.

Folks expect a mom (of unknown strength) to manipulate a long arm and hold it for a significant amount of time. Have you kept a long arm up for a long period? Hold it with one hand and use the phone or a light? Open doors. Use it has a club? Horsepoop. Keep it chambered, on safe? Remember that under stress?

I guess it depends on what you consider a "significant amount of time". My expectation is that the need will likely be over in less than two minutes. Club... well, we do the best we can with what we have.... :rolleyes:
If you open up on a tango with a full 25 round mag from a 10/22 full of mini mags, you can bet Sam Pete you'll get SOME kind of reaction!! :cool:
I would choose whatever higher velocity ammo you found cycled well and was the most reliable. I tend to test a variety of ammunition so I have a wider array of makes and types to choose from. CCI makes some of my Mosquito's favorite food. I've also found some cheap S&B stuff that works well.
Thanks for all of the input, it's all good food for thought.

She owns an M&P 22 Compact. The gun is reliable even with her not so great grip strength. I have not had issues with CCI reliability yet so I have to say it's what she'll primarily use. I'm leaning towards Mini-Mags and/or Stingers for the extra velocity gain in such a short barrel (already losing a lot over a rifle).

I'm not an official instructor but I've been shooting handguns for years, carrying handguns for years and even shot some competition here and there. I know my stuff. I've been told by many folks I am a great teacher for "non-gun" people. I've converted several folks to gun owners, including my mom who were otherwise very against the idea. Thanks Obama and Bill as well. ;)

Any way, I've taught my mom that if she feels the need to defend herself from a coyote or a human, she needs to shoot until slide lock, reload and shoot some more. This is not a joke. She is planning to use this gun to defend herself from real potential threats.

Again, thanks for all of the thoughts and input. All is appreciated!

Glen I always appreciate when you chime in. It's obvious you are wise and know your stuff!
Before my wife got her LCR357, she had a 5 shot 22 mag American Arms.
It was loud as the dickens and had zip recoil. She was using CCI 45 grain HPs
and under 3 or 4 yards, it was right on the money. From there I was able to bring her up to the Ruger.
But, as was said before me, she has to practice, practice, practice.
Good Luck,
Since I do occaisionally carry a rimfire, I have given thought to ammo choice.
My preferred load is MiniMag solids. I like the CCI Velocitor, but it seems nonexistant.
I've shot a bit of two Aguila loads that are pretty hot. Interceptor and SuperMax.
Both have been reliable.
The hotter loads like Stinger and Velocitor are sometimes criticized for wasting powder in short barrels for not much gain in velocity. However, they do seem to provide a good strong recoil impulse in guns like my Beretta 21a or Ruger SR22, which may help reliable function.
In some ways, the sharp muzzle blast and bright muzzle flash are an added bonus. A Beretta Bobcat rapid fire mag dump of stingers provides a fair amount of shock and awe, lol.
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Super Sneaky that sounds like the listed velocity for Stingers from a rifle. Have you actually chonographed those stingers from your own gun?
I believe Super Sneaky said he had a S&W 15-22. That is a rifle and loaded with stingers it can be pretty awesome.
Denster I think you are correct. I thought the 15-22 was a handgun with a 3.5" barrel. I am sorry for the big goof on my part.:o I thought we were talking about handguns since this is a handgun forum.

But checking the chart I linked to he should be getting around 1500fps from that 16.5" barrel. The CCI velocity was from a custon 24" barrel and CCI didn't get quite 1640fps but got very close. But 1500fps is still fast for a 22 round.
The rifle is full size with a 25 round magazine. Not something I'd want to get shot with even once.

I also have a Beretta 21A that I carry with Stingers too. I haven't used my chronograph on it yet.

The .22 that gets the most carry is my S&W 351PD. 7 shots of .22WMR. I load it with Gold Dots. It goes bang every time.
For what it's worth...

ShootingTheBull410 on YouTube (I know, I know, but he actually calibrates his gel and DocKGR said he was one of the best online amateurs)


Long story short (aka - 5% of the info in the video): CCI Velocitors, a hyper-velocity 40-grain hollow point, seemed to offer decent performance.

- I'm not you.
- I know next to nothing about you, your situation, your mom's abilities, or her pistol.
- No ammunition turns a handgun (or even rifles & shotguns) into a 100% death ray.
- Training trumps gear.
- I haven't seen Velociters on sale for a while now.

I recommend NRA's Women On Target. I recommend this because it's free, friendly, women only, and it got high praise from the two women I know who attended (wife and mom).

The operative word in "gun fight" isn't gun.
Not my 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th choice but beats fists, feet and foul language and a hit with a 22 hurts a lot more than a miss with a 45.