22LR for Home Defense


New member
I helped my mom buy a 22LR handgun to use for home defense. She can't handle anything more due to some physical issues.

I don't believe most hollowpoint ammo will open up at the lower velocities the handgun can produce. Any recommendations for solids which would be good for defensive use?
This can be difficult emotionally and ethically.
She needs to take a class on usage and retention.
I went thru the same with my parents.
If all she can handle is a .22, a panic alarm / pendant may be a better choice, with an objective instructor helping with the decision.

Short of excellent shot placement or the scare factor, neither of which is a guaranteed event, the .22 may be false security if not dangerous.
That's an interesting opinion but I disagree. The 22 will serve her well and she knows how to use it and shoot it (and has shot it). What I really need is a good round for her to use which performs well out of a short barrel. Most Long Rifle ammo is not designed to perform it's best out of barrels shorter than 16".
No one wants to get shot-not even with a .22!
A .22 in the right place works just as well as a .44 magnum.
I get so tired of people saying ".22/.25/.32 will just make them mad, etc."-implying that small calibers are not dangerous.
reliability is the FIRST thing to consider when choosing ammo. you wouldn't believe how picky some guns can be and how different the sizes and shapes of different 22LR brands. after reliability come accuracy

if reliable, i would personally choose the CCI Stingert. second choice would be the CCI Velocitor

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skizzums I thought about the CCI hollowpoints but they don't expand out of short barrels. The 40gr Mini-Mag from CCI works well in the gun but I was hoping for something with a higher velocity, closer to the Stinger but in a solid bullet design.

I shoot a CZ 452 and a Browning Buckmark Hunter and they both eat, cycle and hit accurately with everything I feed them. So far her M&P 22 has eaten all of the Aguila, Federal bulk and CCI stuff we've fed it without a hiccup. I'm hoping it will continue that trend.
sorry, there are so many to keep up with i forget. as you can see from the video in the previous post, it doesn't really matter of it is a solid or a HP, since none reliably expand from a handgun, they are acting in the same way, with maybe a slight bit more cavity from the blunted nose of the hollow-point. here's another vid that kinda goes into most of the other CCI's excluding the stinger. but reliability really is the key factor in 22 handguns.


the stingers, hollow-point or not, is still penetrating 13-14" and leaving some decent cavitations throughout, maybe their are better choices, i am not sure. but when it comes to CCI, i think the Stinger's win.
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If all she can handle is a .22, a panic alarm / pendant may be a better choice, with an objective instructor helping with the decision.
If she can handle a .22 and nothing else then the .22 is a good choice for her. It would certainly make sense to look at additional layers of security so she's not totally dependent on any single factor for her safety.

Pick good quality ammunition that is completely reliable in her firearm. That can be a tall order with rimfire automatics so don't assume that because the gun worked ok through a couple of mags that it's good for that type of ammunition. Reliability is more important than trying to maximize terminal effect, in my opinion. FAR more important.
22LR has been known to be desireable for offensive because of the low report that is like a pop rather than a bang. Reliability (ignition) is poor compared to centerfire cartridges.
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Sulaco said:
skizzums I thought about the CCI hollowpoints but they don't expand out of short barrels. The 40gr Mini-Mag from CCI works well in the gun but I was hoping for something with a higher velocity, closer to the Stinger but in a solid bullet design.

If your concern is that a hollow-point won't expand but your solution is a fast bullet, what difference does it make if the projectile is solid or hollow-point? A hollow-point that doesn't expand makes the same size hole as a solid point, so go for the fastest bullet you can get.
22 is fine if thats what you have and what you can use.
When our kids were little. My wife banished all fire arms from the house ( still a sore point) Except a 9 shot 22 revolver and my 12 ga.( I know whats the logic? a 22 can kill a kid just as easy as my 38, I had to fight for that 22. but since I am a man, I can change if I have too I guess)
Other than the 12 year fight that ensued.
I got her trained up with the 22. Rules were simple. If you have to pull it.
Shoot the guy until its empty.
If the responders complain. State you were scared and say i just did what my husband said to do.

Thank God she woke up from her stupidity. Went to a 32L revolver to a 327 magnum revolver now. And wants her Carry permit.
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.22 ammo

From what I've seen personally at crime scenes and ballistic gel tests, plain ol hardball bullets are the best. Be it copper plated or plain lead. Best penetration and bullet weight retention. Like others have said, quality ammo is very important.
I'd rather have a .22 than nothing. Staring down the barrel of any gun is intimidating, and that is a huge benefit when dealing with an intruder. Plus, it goes bang, and a little projectile comes out the end and hurts when it hits.
the 22 LR is a useful tool for personal defense, and more so from a rifle than a handgun.
If she is not going to carry it (you did say "home defense") get her a rifle. The 10/22 is a good one to look at. There are others that may suit the need just as well.

For a defensive weapon you need not look for the "most accurate" but getting one that is super reliable is important.
So far the S&W M&P22 sounds like it functions pretty reliably. Keep it clean. Feed it good ammo and I think she'll be just fine. I would choose CCI Velocitors personally, but I know that hp's don't really expand reliably from short barreled handguns.

When you have to depend on 22LR ammo, I definitely lean toward CCI stuff.
You may want to go revolver for reliability. If one doesn't ignite, just keep pulling the trigger. There are 10 shot revolvers on the market also.
Anytime people start ragging on the ineffectiveness of the 0.22 LR round (from a handgun particularly) I am reminded of the amount of damage one John Hinckley Jr. managed to do with one some 30-odd years ago.
Rather than worry over the inconsistent qualities of .22 ammo, how about if she buys herself a good quality .25?
If she wants to stay with the .22 rimfire, maybe having some Olympic quality ammo from Ely would be the way to go.
And see that your Ma gets some self defense instruction with her little shooter.
Good technique makes up for a lot.
Surviving a possible deadly encounter is serious business.
Merely having a gun and being able to shoot it ain't nearly enough.
Just some thoughts.