22lr for carry?

C'mon guys, it's not exactly like a .22 in the head is going to make you feel better! (though one stopping power study claimed a negative value for the .22 giving that impression).

Shoot in the head/neck and repeat, Attacks will likely be at arms reach not the 15-25 yards people commonly practice at, so hitting the smaller target should be possible under stress with practice. 22's encourage regular fast shooting practice 32's dont due to the expense. Hitting the smaller head/neck target will be harder and you may miss with 2-3 of your 6-10 shots fired, still if you've just put 2-7 22's in a guys neck or head I doubt seriously if he is going to be comming at you for anymore.

I've seen people walk right through police strength (10%) pepper spray, I doubt anybody could continue an attack after recieving a hail of 22 rounds to the face.

As for the .22 killing them 20 minutes after a shot to the head, poachers kill lots of deer with 22's to the head and they drop DRT (Dead Right There). Either it disconnects the central nervous system with a good hit or it doesn't.

JMHO, Blue Duck

Oh, to answer your original question, No I carry a 45 auto or 357 mag, depending if I'm on duty or not.