.22LR, .25 Auto effectiveness throughout history

80 years or so ago the U. S. Army decided that it took a projectile with about 58 ft-lb ke to reliably produce a disabling injury. AFAIK, that number is still used in regards to anti-personnel mines.
That's about what you get with a 25ACP or 22 short pistol.
80 years or so ago the U. S. Army decided that it took a projectile with about 58 ft-lb ke to reliably produce a disabling injury. AFAIK, that number is still used in regards to anti-personnel mines.
That's about what you get with a 25ACP or 22 short pistol.
I would assert that the correlation between KE and lethality/disabling is tenuous, at best. I would further assert that metrics like this are used simply because they CAN be measured, as opposed to because they actually provide meaningful insight.
.22 LR doesn't magically "bounce around" inside the body. It cannot suddenly and radically change direction unless it hits bone.

Derbel McDillet, when Model12Win said that the .22 bounces around in the body, etc etc I do believe that he had his tongue planted firmly in cheek.
Personally I would take a 22lr over a 25acp. I have seen the .25 bounce off of a deer skull (downed but not dead) and a follow up from a 22 dispatched them well. Even so I wouldnt carry either, if I was able to carry in NJ. 9mak or larger, even though the 32acp was very effective in europe. In my drawer is my 686+ with 125gr HPs. That will at least slow any attacker. PA63 on my waist when at the office late.
I realize this debate has been beat to death a million times on this and other forums, so much so that I cant read the 5 pages of opinions here.

for those who don't know or do know but purposely misrepresent, the best .25acp and best .22lr have virtually the same ballistic when fired from the same mini guns i.e. the Beretta 20 and 21.

the cons of each are power. in addition the rimfire's is reliability, the centerfire's is cost.
From brass fletcher

Some people chose to carry .22LR handguns for self-defense. Unless you are very accurate with your weapon, we do not recommend shooting a .22LR for this purpose. The initial kinetic energy of such firearms is very low—you would be much better off with a .25ACP or .32ACP for roughly the same size firearm.

25 auto


notice 2 went over the FBI 12" :eek:

22 test


notice barrel length was 18" on most Tell me again about 22 great penetration.
notice barrel length was 18" on most Tell me again about 22 great penetration.
My great uncle was murdered by a friend, after his wife answered the door and had the visiting 'friend' wait on the porch. When my great uncle approached the door, at least 11 rounds of .22 LR were fired through the door. At least 6 bullets hit their target and most of them fully penetrated his body, lodging in the wall behind.
He was dead before the ambulance arrived.

Wood door + 9.5-10" of body + 1/2" lath and plaster = not too shabby