Hello, ratatat!
High Standards definitely are
not made for dry firing! I don't know anything about the Brownings, but have spent some time at Jim Spacek's High Standard site (
http://users.ntplx.net/~tm/jspacek.htm) and read lots of accounts of pistols damaged by dry firing: damaged barrels and broken firing pins seem to be the commonest problems.
I dry-shoot mine with little red plastic dummy rounds, but they tend not to last very long: they crack around 50 mock-shots.
Houston High Standard parts are
supposed to be interchangeable with Hamden and East Hartford High Standard parts, but according to my friendly local gunsmith, an original High Standard collector, the Houston parts sometimes fit, sometimes don't, sometimes stand up, sometimes don't.
If 'twere me, I'd spend an evening at Jim's site. There are plenty of worthy-looking High Standards on the internet; whether the People's Republic of Massachusetts will let you so-called "import" them, however, I have no idea. The People's Republic of California won't--which is one of the reasons I'm leaving the P.R.C. to return to the United States.
I'm partial to High Standards, but am unfamiliar with European and Russian match pistols. When my Trophy was brand new, the gunsmith I bought it from Ransom-rested it for me ("I want you to know what you got, son") and printed a ten-shot group about the size of a dime or slightly smaller at twenty-five yards. If it need be said, I've never even come
close to that type of accuracy. I still have it these twenty-odd years later, still take it out of the bank box and take it to the range, and still haven't encountered a failure to feed, failure to fire, or failure to extract. That degree of reliability is somewhat unusual, but by no means unheard of.
The best stocks I've found are Randall Fung's:
http://jnb.com/~funggrip/index.html, and I'm partial to Ultra Dot scopes:
http://www.ultradotusa.com/ud_home.html. The good people at BME make good scope mounting systems if you'd rather not have your pistol drilled and tapped: