.22 - - rimfire vs. air pistol

Does anyone use a hand pump to fill their air cylinders? Would seem like an option to avoid purchasing and filling a SCUBA tank.
Air pump

I have two triple stage high pressure hand pumps. I use one to refill my Marauder air pistol......the reservoir is small and it does not take much pumping.
For my larger rifle, the scuba tank.....preferably one that will hold 4200 psi air ......is the way to go.
Pumping any air pistol to 3k psi is not like pumping up a flat tire - it is much harder than that.
You are probably right as I bought mine years ago but I did not think it was that much. Mine is a Gehmann which was brand name stuff back in the day. I replaced the seals some years ago and I think it is really a FX with Gehmann's name on it. Back then I think FX and Hill were the most common. It is supposed to do up to 200 bars in pressure which is like 2900 PSI. I am sure things have changed but I think I only paid about $100 back then. Well like everything else, prices went up I am sure.

With the high prices and spotty availability of rimfire ammo, I too have gotten back into air guns. Mine run the gamut, from the Red Ryder I got years ago for backyard 'cat scat' duty (not powerful enough to harm the ferals) to realistic BB pistols (M1911, Luger and Mauser C96), to various hand pump and break-barrel springer rifles, and a few CO2 Crosmans.
My Stoeger X50 in .177, and Benjamin Trail Nitro 1100XL in .22 are my favorite rifles. The CO2 Crosman 2400T carbine in .22 is very accurate too.
Being single, I do shoot inside the house, using a good pellet trap.
I stocked up on what should be a lifetime supply of pellets and CO2 cartridges, so I can still shoot if powder-burner ammo goes away (never know with the current misadministration). I do handload and keep a goodly stock of components for centerfire, but no such luck with rimfire. I have a couple thousand rounds of various makes of .22LR and .22WMR, but I guard it and shoot only occasionally. The pellet guns allow me to shoot much more often. Having a nearby hunting lease means no problems with inner-city shooting or risking the idiots at the local public range (no RO).
So for now, I am satisfied.
If I lived in Chicago, I wouldn't even own an air pistol . . . after all . . . Chicago is the ultimate example of how "gun control" works and the government is making sure that the people are well taken care of . . . after all, they do know what is "best" for us. Scheeesh! :roll eyes:

Let's see . . what was the last news report from Chicago? Close to 40 shootings in one night? Hmmmm . . :eek:

OP . . . I understand your pain. You sound like a good law abiding citizen . . . so please check out your "laws" to see what's allowed. As much as it stinks, you don't want to end up being a criminal. Oh, wait a minute . . . . maybe you do . . . in Chicago, I hear they are the only ones that carry guns. :roll eyes:

Back to business though . . . . I think a pellet gun is a good alternative to a 22. . . especially with the availability and price of 22 ammo. We had a Benjamin when we were kids and we used it a lot. Great for target practice, plinking, a gopher once in a while and even rats. I hadn't given much thought to pellet guns as it's been 50 years ago. A while back, I clicked and read some threads on what is out there now - pretty impressive what is available today. I think a prson could have a lot of fun with one. Good luck to you and hope it all works out as far as what you are allowed. And, I hope you go for your CCW permit. Whether you use it or not . . . at least you'd have it and it's a statement that there is one more person who believes in the individual rights that the Constitution guarantees . . . :)

Hand pumps...."prices went up, I am sure."
Oh, yeah......more than double what you paid for a new triple stage pump.
They do work, though, and then you are completely independent from the ammo crunch.
I have a Marauder, as mentioned, and a .45 cal rifle. I cast my own bullets - the same ones that I use in my .45 cal firearms - and shoot them out of the big air rifle. A 200 grain slug at 600 fps.
Hand pumped when I need to.
Yes thanks buck460...I am serious filling scuba tank. It seems the way to go even though pricey. 500.00 gun, 200.00 adapter, 200.00 tank.
Good thing is ammo is way cheap. I can get a lifetime supply for not much.

By the way , no air pistols at all at Walmart in st. Joe MI. And no .22 rim fire either.

Will have to order and ship through local Ffl. Nothing else I can do to get this setup rolling.

And I will be getting my concealed carry in chicago as soon as I get some time.
I'm all for air pistols, especially the cheaper BB guns. I haven't been able to buy 22 rimfire since the panic and the great thing about BB guns is that the principles of marksmanship don't change.
I was looking into getting an pellet gun. I wanted something for the rabbits in the garden. Then I saw the price tag and figured it would be cheaper to feed the rabbits and make up the difference at the grocery store.

Some of those air guns cost more than my firearms...
Some of those air guns cost more than my firearms...
As well they should. Airguns have to store or generate all the energy required to propel the projectile. In a firearm, all the energy is generated by ammunition. That factor alone means that given roughly comparable quality, an airgun has to cost considerably more than a firearm.

When I lived in the burbs of Central Fl., I kept my freezer full of bushy tail rats and collard doves, using a pump up 22 pellet pistol and on some occasions a .177 CO2 Daisy rifle, that was my son's. They both were very accurate, due to the light weight pellet, they were practically useless on windy days. They were quiet and lethal enough to kill a raccoon. Here in Ky. I've taken doves, starling, rabbits, squirrels, grackles and a skunk with my 22 Benjamin pellet rifle. While not as lethal as a good 22 LR, they get the job done and don't spook the neighbors!:D:cool::)

Yes thanks buck460...I am serious filling scuba tank. It seems the way to go even though pricey. 500.00 gun, 200.00 adapter, 200.00 tank.
Some adjustments... you will probably spend more than $500 for the gun (Benjamin marauder is a good buy and over $500). Probably spend under $100 for an adapter (all of mine were substantially less than $100), tanks.... for a gun that runs at 2600-3000psi, you are best using a tank rated at 4200 psi..... carbon fiber at $300-700.
Save in one place, spend in another.
Want a triple stage high pressure pump? Just in case.... or to be completely independent? Add $200-300.