2 questions on CCW / CHL


New member
I just completed the Texas CHL class, and found an interesting diversity of weapons to be concealed, it begs 2 questions:

1) What is the largest gun you Conceal carry?
2) What is the largest gun you have heard or seen someone conceal carry?
1. Legally, there's no size limit...you could CC an AR pistol as long as it's concealed. Practically, I haven't gone larger than a .38SPL snub. I may try a larger gun in the future.

2. I've know guys who CC large-frame revolvers in .500 Linebaugh, but they tend to dress around the gun. If you do as well, you can conceal almost anything.
Answer really depends on your size and dress. I have carried MP5 Sub MG, Uzi SMG and short barreled Shotgun while wearing a suit/top coat on protective details (not at same time though):D This was usually in conjunction to usually two full frame Sigs and extra mags. You can hide a lot if you dress right for the occasion. :)
1) Before I sold it, I concealed-carried my full-sized 1911 pretty easily; often just under a T-shirt. Now I alternate between a Glock 19 and a Shield for concealed carry.

2) At the LGS where I worked, we had a customer who concealed-carried a S&W Model 500. It was the 4" version, but it was still massive. He was a well-dressed businessman, but he seemed a little "off". And he must've been "off" to think that a Model 500 was a good CCW handgun.
I CC a full-sized 1911 pretty often. I can hide it well in a slim IWB holster under a T-shirt. I actually like the longer slide better since it seems to stay put and the weight isn't a problem with a proper belt. If I try to carry a snubby or short auto, it tends to squirm up out of my waistband so I use OWB and/or retention holsters with those.
I carried a 1911 for years...stuck in back of belt.Company issued Polo shirts so it was out of sight. After retirement, I went to a Sig 9mm IWB at 4 o'clock. Just a lot easier to carry in public places. Loaded with Carbons, I have total confidence in it.
My largest ....and primary carry gun....is a 5" 1911.

I will occasionally see someone with an N frame S&W revolver in a 4"...( like a model 27 or 28 in .357 mag or even a model 29 in .44 mag...)....and I've carried the model 27 in an outside the waist band scabbard holster...in the winter...but its pretty hard to conceal.
My biggest carry tool is a 7.5" 357 Redhawk.
It fits perfectly in my Sparks HSR I had built for my carry 5.5" 44 Redhawk.

Biggest I've seen carried concealed is an MP5 sub-gun.
I think the other question you have to ask is "what is the largest I can carry comfortably."

What you're doing counts as much as the physical size thing. Just because you can carry a handcannon one time does not mean you should consider that your standard piece.

Environ also matters. In a Texas summer the key is small. In the winter I can carry something considerably larger (I don't - I still with one pistol type).
The largest I carry on a regular basis is my full sized, all steel Springfield TRP 1911. Occasionally I will carry my 6" S&W 686 but is during deer season only.

My buddy used to carry his GP 100 6" on a regular basis but eventually the novelty wore off.
Largest, S&W 4506 or S&W Model 58 4"

Smallest, Taurus PT-22 or Iver Johnson TP-22.

Largest I've seen someone conceal was some jackass who came into the gun store. Winter, so he had a coat on. Under the coat was a Desert Eagle .44 Mag. :rolleyes:
zincwarrior makes a good point about what activities you might be doing while carrying. I recently had to help a family member move and there was a fair chance that another family member might show up and do something stupid. My mother thought it would be a good idea if I was carrying. Other members of the moving crew are rabidly anti-gun so I wanted to carry as securely as possible without exposing or printing while
climbing into a moving van, stooping, lifting and carrying.

Pocket carry or Smart Carry were just about the only options and hiding a big gun is tough in those circumstances. I chose a S&W 640 in a Smart Carry holster and that was ideal.
Currently: Model 10 snub-nose.

Large: I have a history of 1911's and BHP's along with .44 mag, be it a Model 29 or Ruger SA, from time to time...
I always wear a vest. It's been part of my "look" for the past 7 years. With that established, I have frequently carried:
S&W 610 (L frame) 6 1/2" in Bianchi vertical shoulder rig
Ruger Super Blackhawk, 7 1/2" in same holster
CZ 97B in OWB holster, S&W 639 in both OWB and shoulder holsters, and of course the full size 1911 in both holsters.
All of the above were very comfortable for all day wear.
I just completed the Texas CHL class, and found an interesting diversity of weapons to be concealed, it begs 2 questions:

1) What is the largest gun you Conceal carry?
2) What is the largest gun you have heard or seen someone conceal carry?

"The Interwebz ate my response.", so I have to re-do it.

1) What is the largest gun you Conceal carry?

1)We're new to this in Ill-i-noise. The largest I personally have carried is a Springfield XD Service, in a Bladetech UCH holster. I probably won't do that much, as that gun is heavier that I want to deal with right now. Before I carried it I had to convince myself that it's true what they say, that people just don't notice.

Much more typical is a .38 snub in the pocket, or XD subcompact in an IWB holster.

2) What is the largest gun you have heard or seen someone conceal carry?

2)largest I have witnessed anyone carrying was a Star BM (1911-ish 9mm). It was a gunshop guy. I was oblivious to it until he drew my attention to it. Largest I have heard of, is Interwebz Gunboard hearsay. Folks say a lot of absurd things on Interwebz gun fora.

I note you are in Texas. My understanding is that Texas carry law requires perfect and continuous concealment. If you flash or print, you risk a "brandishing" charge. If this is still true, you may need to adjust your equipment and practice.

Ill-i-noise new minted carry law has language specifically intended to head that off. "Mostly concealed" I think is the actual verbiage.
Biggest semi - 915 (15+1 9mm)
Biggest revolver 617 (7 shot 357 Mag)

Smallest semi - P32 (7+1 32APC)
Smallest revolver - NAA Mini 22LR 1 1/8"

Forget about dressing around your gun unless you wear the same type of clothing every day. Wear the gun for how you will be dressed and dress for the occasion.