Very good post. I've been saying the same for years when confronted with Walter Mittys. I can't count how many times I have read TOP 10 COMBAT HANDGUNS our experts pick or BEST HOME DEFENSE HANGUNS or AUTO VS REVOLVER in these silly gunrags. The one factor that matters is hits and getting yours in first. As a driver I pickup and deliver all sorts of things including money and travel all over day and night but I have yet to meet the crack crazed herion addicted special forces ninja yet. My gun? A Taurus 85 or a Bersa 380 with one reload. Good luck.
Very good post. I've been saying the same for years when confronted with Walter Mittys. I can't count how many times I have read TOP 10 COMBAT HANDGUNS our experts pick or BEST HOME DEFENSE HANGUNS or AUTO VS REVOLVER in these silly gunrags. The one factor that matters is hits and getting yours in first. As a driver I pickup and deliver all sorts of things including money and travel all over day and night but I have yet to meet the crack crazed herion addicted special forces ninja yet. My gun? A Taurus 85 or a Bersa 380 with one reload. Good luck.