1996 Presidential Elections - Votes are IN!

Not directed at anyone in particular:

Many of us who vote Libertarian (or other third party) do not do so simply because of the gun issue. I disagree with many parts of the Republican platform, and with a majority of the Libertarian platform. That's why I usually vote Libertarian.

“The whole of the Bill (of Rights) is a declaration of the right of the people at large or considered as individuals. ... It establishes some rights of the individual as unalienable and which consequently, no majority has a right to deprive them of.” -Alexander Addison, 1789
sorry for taking so long to get back to ya, ive been very busy.........and some where along the way I located one of those 7 shot l-frame 686's, and couldnt resist.

"harry browne, will eliminate all unconstitutional laws", that paraphrase's how you say he's going to lead. Its wonderful rhetoric, and ive no doubt that is his intent---once again how will that be done?
Do to the seperation of the different governing bodies of our government the prez cant order the supreme ct., to look at any case and decide if its constitutional, and that is their legal responsibility. The only possible way is once again for a president to threaten the supreme ct in order to get his way with packing the supreme ct(fdr used this I believe, and started us on this road were on), in this case Harry wont have any support by the congress and there not required to pass his choices, they can post pone them for ever until he's out of office---which in effect neutralizes him...period.

Now as far as will a "congresscritter", defy a president leading with the constitution in one hand and a rail in the other.........its rule by committe in our govt and yes they can and will and do tell him to piss up a rope.......they are not obligated to follow the president-----and as far as us citizens demanding a rail ride, we are so far removed from that possibility its ludicrous. Heck we cant even agree on taxes being lowered. Dont forget the media is not going to be Harrys friend either and the media controls the message getting to the american people........

BTW, did ya'll know that Harry Brownne lives in my town? (just found this out late last week).......Ive yet to meet him, and those I know who have wont vote for him, almost to a person almost all my friends are rabid rkba people, those that arent rabid are still rkba people, and so far I find very few who even entertain the idea of Mr Brownne as a canidate, they are also very unhappy with the republicans as well, but refuse to give the democrats a win.

I guess the bottom line for me is that this guy cant win, he never has won, I know of one person, someone in tx who one by running as a republican?(sounds like a plan),so they have still been unable to convince the american people in electable numbers that they can be effective. Do ya'll consider the "reform party", your party as well?....I dont believe they are but I think I know why there minimally effective.....money......yep, they are financed.... and I dont believe Harry browne has serious financing of any kind, like it or not that is what it takes..........
I dont think im your enemy or your mine, I do think we will work toward similar goals in different ways, this belief that Harry Browne has some kinda of magic wan he waves if (big if), he ever gets elected to anything, let alone the presidency, and all things are suddenly made right is a fantasy.
But thats why America is such a wonderful experiment, we have the right to tilt at windmills...........(at least until the anti-windmill crowd contols the media and through extension the people.....).......later fubsy.

[This message has been edited by fubsy (edited July 25, 1999).]
Thanks for a big smile! It is useful, from time to time, to remember that we DO have the same goals! Appreciate that reminder very much. Now... on to implementation :D

Some things a President can do on his own:
1) Wipe out all those offensive Presidential Executive Orders! I believe they were meant to
- provide quick responses in time of war - not to set long-term American policy;
- facilitate quick alliances on specific issues - not subordinate us to the United Nations.

2) Bring our troops home or use them to support American interests rather than the New World Order and the United Nations.

3) Force the Congress to commit itself for the record by overcoming Presidential vetoes.

4) Show Congress the wishes of the common man more than the NWO thinktanks!

I don't mean to say this is all that could happen or that all this would happen. But we Americans have a better chance of regaining Constitutional rule with someone who believes in the Constitution than we do with a Republocrat who is an advocate of the NWO.
As a card carrying member of the Libertarian Party I would like to include a little additional information:

1. The official Libertarian Platform is STRICTLY 2nd Admendment, calling for appeal of ALL laws that restrict or affect any individual's right to keep and bear any arms in any manner they choose.

2. Mr. Browne is held in extreme contempt by many members of the LP who (justly IMHO) feel he is using the party just to enrich his (and selected cronies) pockets and only playing lip service to the actual Principles that we hold dear.

3. L. Neil Smith has announced that if he recieves 1,000,000 signatures (being collect electronically on the internet) will run for president as an independent candidate (many wish to Draft him as the Libertarian). Mr. Smith position is for strict Bill of Rights enforcement (particularly 2nd Amendment).

this link is to the page describing the effort to draft him as a canidate and includes a link to the ePetition:

Mr. Smith's own web page is here:

I suggest spending a little time checking this out because even though this is as dark a horse as you can get, at least it is one going in exactly the right direction.

If they come for my guns and I stand up and fight...What about my kids???

if I don't fight...What about my kids???
No one has explaained how the people can break the corporate hold the Banksters have on both political parties and on every facet of this countrys economy. Even if we could get rid of both political parties,and I hate both of those theiving parties, we still have the problem of the Federal Reserve System and its hold on the indentured servants of America(you and me) Now I could dream that one or two new nationalistic parties could be formed after the destruction of the two scummy parties .And these new patriotic parties could abolish the Federal Reserve System and put on trial these Banksters who have stolen the peoples wealth for the last 86 years. And after the trials, these Banksters and politicians would get the treatment deserved of thieves and traitors. After the rope is used up, the new nationalist parties would start to rebuild our shattered industries and farming economies which today are nearly nonexistant. But this is nothing but a dream. The sheeple people are happy with a service economy where families work around the clock at menial wages. The Republicrats and Demarats have created 40 million new jobs and each sheeple has 5 of them! If i was a young person in this country and knew what I know are the real causes of this sinking nation, I would be pissed. Welcome to the global plantation. Plantations are real hard to break up. It takes a violent upheavel to do it. Are there any Huey Longs or William Jennings B. around? I have ranted and raved long enough. No one understands root causes of our decline
I dont have the solution to anything but it appears to me that some of the problems would be solved if Americans would quit getting in debt up to their ears and would live under their means........and save money, not live in debt. Why get that hugely expensive home that take's 30 years to pay off, and encapsules the majority of your wealth, so that in order to utilize the wealth you have to either mortgage or sell a home......instead a smaller home with a short term mortagage, and work like hell to pay it off in 7 years, gives the individual the opportunity to gain according to his desire......We've got to go out and buy these enormously expensive vechicles for 5-6-7 etc years......how stupid we are, they take an immediate loss of value upon purchase--and they are a depreciating assett,, why would anyone pay that much for a vechicle ...ego?....one that loses money....
As far as what and how do we get out of this mess, the only way I know is to rebuild the structure and quality of education, that includes the social and emotional support structure of familys......
Imo it comes down to individuals creating their opportunites, taking responsibilities for their wants/desires and actions....and having the never quit attitude to make it happen.....
Oh yeah,,,,and throw out the durn tv....fubsy.