1986 FOPA Hughes amendment vote footage located

I have not yet viewed the footage, it is currently in a Virginia loc archive on 16mm film.

It will be 4-9 weeks before I have this in hand, and I will be making it immediatly available.
I would have kept this quiet until I had the film in hand.
I doubt anything can come of it even if you get the film and it shows the shenanigans, but don't be surprised if your film is misplaced along the way.
If it's the video I remember from '86, it should show ol' Charlie laughing and banging his gavel over the the shouts of "NAY."

looks like they processed the order.

So the wait continues...
Ajax has posted a small segment, here. He is having trouble with his video editing software (so you will get another link when it's in a more "finished" state), but this will give you an idea of what went on.
I'm still a little confused as to what this is supposed to accomplish?

There's nothing new there, the transcript was already available, the method used to insert the amendment is relatively common practice and used by both parties... and both parties have little pretend conniption fits when the other party uses this (and many other) methods.

It all seems entirely inconsequential to me.
Your wasting your time. It legally passed.

For people looking at the video you need to look at this

Time - 6:47
That is the vote on the motion to attach the Hughes Amendment to the Volkmer Substitute is voted down.

The time expired to discuss the Hughes Amendment at 7:08
This is were the guy gets up and ask for more time to explain and basically doesn't get more time but he does get another VERBAL vote on it.
This is were the Hughes get passed
8:20. They did a verbal vote and it passed. You can hear someone tell him to let it go because he got it.

at 9:44 they did a vote on adding the Volkmer Substitute (as amended) to the Amendment (hr4332 a02)
It passed.

Its all confusing but it did get passed. We got RAILROADED

The screen captures above do not show the vote on the HUGHES AMENDMENT but on the attaching the Amendment that the HUGHES was attached to to the main bill.
The Passage was of the main bill.

They did a Verbal vote on attaching the Hughes to the Volkmer and that was done at 820
So they got a verbal vote after an elctronic struck it down and Wrangle's "opinion" as the chair was that the amendment was added?