1943 Remington Rand M1911A1 US Army

1911 Remington Rand

I got a funny, and true, story for you...as an MP Sergeant in Heidleburg, West Germany in the mid-70's, I was the NCOIC (Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge) of providing security for the Commander in Chief (CINC), Deputy CINC, and Chief of Stall for US Army Europe and Seventh Army. My issue .45 was a Remington Rand. I had never fired that particular weapon, since there is no zeroing fixed sights, so when we qualified on the range, the MP company just grabbed a bunch of pistols, and off we went. One morning during the guard mount, the Patrol Supervisor was doing inspection, and looked at the pistol that I had. He yelled that it was filthy, and asked me when I had last cleaned it. I responded with "I have never cleaned it, Sergeant". He said "Why not"? I said "It's not my assigned pistol. Mine would not fire on the range yesterday due to a broken firing pin, so I was just issued this one a few minutes ago". He Yelled (why do higher-ranking Sergeants always have to yell? I was only 3 feet away!) "Whose is it"? I responded "It is the First Sergeant's pistol!" Top just turned and went back into his office!
Through the years I've had a lot of nice military 1911s and 1911A1s.

The nicest of them all was a Remington 1911A1 that was issued when new to a gentleman that was in a military supply unit.
He never fired the pistol, as a matter of fact he never cleaned the cosmoline out of it and it was still in the green plastic bag it was shipped in.

I'm now in procession of two Colts a 1911 (in the picture) and a 1911A1 that unfortunately someone blued and stippled the front strap and mainspring housing.

Also in the picture is several other military items including a box of 45 ACP ball ammo.

Best Regards
Bob Hunter

I'd be interested to know what you paid for it. I bought one several years ago for $1200 and I've always suspected that I over paid. I've been looking since then and haven't found a better one for less though.
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